
Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Very Pleasant Day . . .

We were on a mission to solve an iPad problem and celebrate a birthday too.  
My friend Barbie was in Florida for her birthday
so being back home,
it was time for a visit and lunch.

Earlier in the week I thought I had lost all my apps on my iPad in a sync process,
so we were off to the Apple Store to hopefully find a fix. 
Everything turned out just fine. 
I was just up in the Cloud.
Things are always changing in this communication world. 
As I understand it, the Cloud holds information
which enables a person to access that information from their
iPhone, (if you have one)
or a MacBook Pro, (if you have one)
or an iPod, (if you have one.) 

I have an iPad and that is it,
Microsoft received my dollars for other computer related  products.
Too much information . . . sorry.
Please know though, I was in serious panic mode
 because I thought I had lost a ton of information so,
off we went to the Apple Store to hopefully find a fix. 

My friend Barbie and I find the store to be an amazing experience.
So much information . . . we learn something new each trip we make.
Everyone is so very accommodating pleasant and helpful.

Problem solved in no time and a salad and a glass of wine sounded wonderful.. 

We enjoy the Blue Water Grill.

Bloody Mary's sounded good instead of wine.

Delicious Spinach Salad for me.
Green Apple Club Salad for Barbie.

crisp white blouses
excellent food
problems solved

The Hostess has great dress ideas, pay her a visit.
She has encouraged me to
"look at what I have instead of thinking about what I have to get."
Know what I mean?

I enjoy her "bits and pieces"of style info.

that is it
while it lasted

springtime in the morning
winter at night fall


Jill said...

Very happy to hear you got your IPad issues resolved and had a nice lunch with good company to boot!

TexWisGirl said...

the snowfall on the pines looks so beautiful! happy for you to be able to celebrate with your friend AND find your data!!! :)

Barb said...

What a great day it was. I enjoyed the birthday lunch! The bloody mary was delicious too! So glad your iPad apps were just floating in the cloud!

Thanks for a wonderful day!

Pamela Gordon said...

What a nice day you and your friend had. I could eat that salad right now. It looks so fresh! Hugs, Pam

Pondside said...

It sounds like your day was satisfying in many ways!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Oh Lynne, you both look wonderful.

I loved the photos of the lunch and the bloody Mary's.

Great bracelet, brilliant snow scenes (but please keep it your side of the ocean)!!!!

Glad you got your ipad sorted.

I don't have one and am wondering if I should invest......

hmmmm maybe I could hint when my next birthday comes up!!!

Have a lovely day

x Fiona

Unknown said...

Those short ones are the best. Everything looks so bright and clean and peaceful. Love your pictures!

Jenny Woolf said...

So glad the problem was solved. Technie things can be a problem to keep up with.

BTW I love that little cloud shaped window, (would love one in my house somewhere)

That apple salad would have been my choice. And a bloody mary - I haven't had one for years. They're delicious! So I know what I'll have next time I go out.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Whew, girlfriend...all's well that end's well.

I'm thrilled ya fixed your problem and had a great lunch to boot. Those salads look amazin'!!!

God bless ya and have a great week sweetie!!! :o)

Nancy's Notes said...

Happy your Ipad issues are resolved! What a fun time at lunch, your salads look like great choices! Oh my, those photographs with the snow on those tree are just beautiful!

"Cottage By The Sea" said...

Oh what would we do without our Apple stores? I have a love/hate relationship with computers but a love/love relationship with my Apple Store.

It looks like spring hasn't sprung in your part of the country yet but, it is incredibly beautiful. I can almost smell the freshness of that pine covered in fresh snow.

75 here at the beach today - so weird to think how different the weather may be for each person depending on where they live. My California girl daughter plans on going to University in Illinois next year and yet has never experienced snow for more than about an hour. Any advise?