Accept differences, Be kind, Count your blessings, Dream,
Express thanks, Forgive, Give freely, Harm no one,
Imagine more, Jettison anger, Keep confidences,
Love truly, Master something, Nurture hope,
Open your mind, Pack lightly, Quell rumors,
Reciprocate, Seek wisdom,
Touch hearts, Understand, Value truth, Win graciously,
Xeriscape, Yearn for Peace,
Zealously support a worthy cause.
I found the alphabet word wisdom
on a wooden sign while I was boutique shopping.
Out came my pen, copied down the words.
I ran across my "saved piece" a few days ago
and included the photos to share the piece with you.
and included the photos to share the piece with you.
Tulips seem to find their way into my cart when I am at the market.
The red flower I found near a mailbox one morning
during my "Snickers Walk."
While having a Starbucks the other day
I looked out the window and noticed a beautiful tree.
The tree happened to be near where I parked my car.
Out came the camera and I started snapping some photos.
A man walked up to me and said,
"I used to be a photographer, mind if I give you some suggestions?"
With delight we decided together what would be the best shots.
I liked the blue sky in the background of the white the best.
On a blue sky day, serendipity was at its best.
be alive and receive
i do like that 'method of living' message. :) and your photos are lovely. the blossoms on that tree are beautiful, and the white tulips are gorgeous.
Wonderful words to live by paired with your perfectly beautiful photos!
Wonderful inspirational words and stunning pictures.
Dear Lynne, You're my kind of girl, jotting down all those words . That was so cool and worth sharing. Thanks for taking the time! I took photos in the Wally Mart parking lot of the blooming trees. Blogging makes you stop, notice the beauty, and record it. I love that! Love, Penny
Oh those are wonderful words of wisdom! I love to hear about "chance meetings" like your visit with the photographer at Starbucks! It's is great to be open to learn new things! your photos are beautiful!
dee dee
Hi Lynne! Beautiful photos to go along with the alphabet sayings. I love the tip the old photographer gave you. The photo of the blossoms against the blue sky is a winner! I hope you have a great week. Hugs, Pam
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