gorgeous red orange
large tall frond like leaf
my favorite
first found in Ireland
where it covers the road sides
in abundance
sister, cousin, friend to Crocosmia
smaller and a lighter orange
each are growing in my gardens
Crocosmia is drawing to the end
Montbretia is just beginning
summer bouquet
first year with zinnias
very few
enough for small bouquets
one of my favorite photos
flowers sitting on an inside ledge
looking through the window out into the front yard
July 21,2012
celebrating grandson Jordon
fourteenth birthday
Love the bright orange and your bouquet is perfect! You've inspired me to go cut some of mine to bring inside.
Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson!
What a handsome boy....Happy Birthday to him today.
Happy birthday to the big guy! Fourteen is a big deal.
You have such beautiful flowers! We are down to a handful of knockout roses here in our yard, next year I'll have to plant mid summer flowers! Happy birthday to your grandson!
dee dee
cute teenager! beautiful blooms!
All of the Montbretia at Pondside come from one plant given to me by an Irish friend. She has the most interesting life story, and I could just imagine the Montbretia blooming in her family's stately home garden at the turn of the last century.
happy fourteenth to Jordan!
LOVE all the colorful flowers...a nice way to start the day!
I love zinnias! They will reseed year after year. Gorgeous photos and happy birthday to Jordan!
I cleaned out my garden on Saturday and Sunday. It needed refreshing already. Now I'm going to buy a few new plants and will certainly look into the corcosmia. I love all red flowers!
We have tried the zinnias here but we don't get enough heat for them. Love them as a cut flower inside though. I used to grow them like crazy when we lived inland.
I have a small planting of the crocosmia. In years past I have had a beautiful showing. This year not so much. I think it was just too hot too early. I love them because the are a bit unusual.
Love love love love love you summer bouquet!
And a very happy birthday to the handsome grandson!
WoW! Gorgeous flowers. Some of the flowers I am familiar with, and some I'm not... so thanks for sharing!!
Happy birthday to your grandson!!
He shares a birthday with my son :)
Only, my son is a lot older !
Smiles :)
Love flowers in mason jars!
Wow! 14! I remember those years..I felt so grown up :)
Happy Birthday, Jordan!!!!
xo, misha
Happy Birthday Jordan...I have planted Crocosmia several times..They never make it through the winter...Yours are gorgeous..
My favorite bouquets are small arrangements on window sills, side table and shelves. Everything you put a fresh bloom next to seems to come alive. Happy belated birthday, Jordan.
love the photo of flowers reaching for the outside...poignant.
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