
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Touching, Provoking, Personal . . .

He Plays The Harp

is a well written piece
by Roberta King,
who is writing
a memoir
of her son

provoking, touching, tender, honest, loving

I have often thought about Roberta
 and Noah, husband and family
in the past five years.
Yet nothing as profoundly as I do today.

If you would like to, you can leave
a note for Roberta on the review site.

Roberta F. King lives in Muskegon, Michigan
and is the vice president of
PR & Marketing at Grand Rapids Community Foundation.
Outside of her professional PR writing,
her articles and essays have been (or will be)
published in Boiler Journal, Hippocampus, Atticus Review,
The Rapidian and Solace magazine.
She is working on a memoir about her son, Noah.
My friend Babs,
is a friend of Roberta's, 
and she posted
He Plays The Harp
a few days ago.
I am sure many of you read it then
but I am sure there are many who have not.
Thank You Roberta


Razmataz said...

Hi Lynne...I read this the other day and she is a great writer. Well worth reading.

TexWisGirl said...

very touching. i remember asking my realtor about her children - 3 boys and a girl. asked ages. she became curt when she got to the girl. only later when i got to know her better did i find out the girl had drowned. she was perpetually 10. bless the folks that deal with our well-meaning but stupid questions.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i'll check this out, thanks Lynn.

(and to T...not stupid questions. it's a natural thing to be friendly and ask someone about their would you know?)

happy sunday all...or going into monday, depending where in the world you are.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i just went and read the story...very moving & touching...
although i haven't experienced the death of a child...i have worked very closely with kids (with cerebral palsy) AND their parents...and have felt the pain & heartache & the constant suffering after the untimely death of their child.
BUT i think when someone asks a question...just to be nice...'do you have any kids' would make things easier all the way around to just be upfront & say that one has passed may turn the other person off...or it may may feel good to talk about it....or it may not. but either way...just getting the truth out there, no matter how much it aches to say those words...will help to prevent further discussion that just makes things worse...
ugh...i'm talking too much...

Jill said...

I will check it out.

This N That said...

I have not..I should look it up but to be honest, I'm not much of a reader, especially this time of year..

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

I am off to read about her. Thanks for posting this..
xo, misha

Roberta F. King said...

To Lynne and all of her followers,
Thank you so much for reading He Plays a Harp. I'm grateful for the comments and the personal experiences of Laura and TexWisGirl. I think until people (Americans?) become more comfortable with death we'll be stuck in an awkward place, where parents stumble on the truth and people who ask honest questions might get an odd response.
Peace to all.