my favorite
it has surrounded me
for the past week
green corn
more green corn
really lots and lots
of green fields of corn

i made a trip to iowa
to visit my brother
made a stop in rockford on the way
to see some college friends
and a stop in hampton
to visit high school friends
to get where I was going
i had to make the
drive through chicago
next time
i will take
along a co pilot
home again
looking forward
to each of you
be well my friends
~ ~ ~
glad you had a successful trip! :) yeah, the driving thru chicago does not sound like fun!
Herrlich solch ein Maisfeld in sattem grün...
Lieben Gruß
That looks like the Iowa i remember.
Lovely photo, sounds like you had a great trip.
I am happy for the green around here again after all that heat and dryness and brow. Glad you are back after a safe trip.
I'm glad to have you back Lynne.
Missed you x
Nice to see you back, Lynne
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,
Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.
John Howard Payne
US actor & dramatist (1791 – 1852)
Welcome home! Was wondering where you were. Glad you had a good trip.
Oh my it sounds like a great and friends. I do hope you brought home some fresh corn? Welcome home!
Welcome home..missed you..Our corn looks pretty good too ..Going to have some for supper tonight as a matter of fact..Hope you had a wonderful trip..
Drop me an email when you get settled and let me know how things went :)
xo, misha
Hi Lynne - That sounds like a nice trip. I don't think the ride through Chicago would have thrilled me if I was alone. On some of those x-ways my hands tighten so hard on the wheel if I don't know where I am going.
I hope your weather was pleasant as far as the temperature.
Glad to hear you are home safe and sound !!
Getting away is so important.
Oh that Chicago, not fun to drive through. Go around if at all possible and always give yourself a couple of extra hours travel time, because there is sure to be a traffic jam someplace. Hope you are enjoying your visit.
aaah, glad you got away.
driving past GREEN fields is nice...but through a BIG CITY like chicago...probably not so nice.
a co-pilot sounds like a good idea!
Hi Lynne, When I heard your voice on the phone I was hoping you were in my driveway! Anyway, glad I was some comfort to you. Welcome home brave one. next time I hope I am one of your stops! Love, Penny
Hi Lynne,
Love that green!
Nice to see those fields of corn.
Glad that you are home safely.
Hope this is a great week for you !
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