i just realized, i forgot to tell you about my spring time job
thought it would be part time but it has turned into full time
ahhh, the life of gardening in springtime
this job, so to speak, has meant i have been missing my time to
take some pictures and write something new for the
irish garden house
as well as take time to catch up on
remember a year ago in april
when i caught my finger in a bird feeder
when i caught my finger in a bird feeder
sounds funny now but it certainly wasn't at the time
in one flash of a minute everything changed
a few days later i was off to grand rapids
to see a hand surgeon specialist
i mention this reminder
because it is why i have this full time job now
my usual weeding, sorting, splitting, cleaning and planting
didn't happen last year
which has put me in double time this year
along with gardening
there has been the exciting track season
for our youngest grandson
for our youngest grandson
the conference meet was fun
although very long
after the pole vault event
jordon was outstanding

(photo from previous meet)
exciting to say the least
but best of all
cleaning 8 '6" with a breeze
up and over he went for 9'
the pole wiggled, paused . . .
and then fell to the mat
(photo from previous meet)
exciting to say the least
but best of all
jordon scored third overall in the conference
quite the thrill for a fourteen year old
the following is the only photo from the final meet
and then there was mother's day
my children treated me royally
and i made a banana cream pie
because it was my mommas favorite
life is sweet
frost in the mid twenties yesterday morning
high seventies today
your flowers are doing well! they like having you back at it full time. ;)
i was in lowes the other day and saw one of those fling-off squirrel feeders and immediately thought of you!
Lynne, I haven't much free time to play either. Eight days of school left and trying desperately to finish everything. No time for reading or gardening until all the the t's are crossed and i's dotted. So glad to hear you had a wonderful Mother's Day. Your flowers are lovely. I hope to back in my garden soon. Bonnie
All the jobs seem to come at once - and the mowing is never-ending - but seeing those spring flowers blossom really gladdens the heart. Well done Jordon - I have always enjoyed pole-vaulting...on the television, of course!
Sounds like the perfect weekend. Congratulations to your grandson. It's going to be another gorgeous day to play outside.
The fulltime job even interferes with our coffee time! Still cursing the birdfeeder!
Your yard always reflects your hard efforts...its gorgeous.
It is a lot of work, but so worth it! I can't wait to see your flowers this summer :-)
Lynne... I think it is normal that we all get busy when spring rolls around, and it carries on some time in to the fall... so many things to do, such a short time to get it done! I too am busier than usual, so posts are a little fewer and farther between, but as bloggers, we understand these things happen! Cheers~
It's hard to believe it's been a year since you injured your hand! Aren't you glad you can do your gardening this year without any difficulty? Good for your grandson in his competition. Sunny and windy, cool today again with rain for tomorrow. Of course, it's the day I get my hair done! Always happens. :)
Lynne, sounds like you are doing everything that makes you happy. And that is what counts. I enjoyed all your pretty flowers and the photos of your grandson. I remember your hand surgery, I hope it is all healed and back to normal for all your gardening work. Take care and take it easy. Enjoy your beautiful flowers and your wonderful family. Have a happy week!
Yes Lynne, This weather is a bit crazy..Seems like we have the same stuff...Love the pictures of your flowers.."Think spring"..Hopefully the frost is over now..
Hllo from Belgium, lovely blog,spring is a nice season, but here in Belgium a fex cold for spring,and vegetation, flowers are waiting a few .
Hi Lynne, Just love those white bleeding Hearts! Thank goodness you are well...your gardens missed you...
So exciting seeing your grandson compete and accomplish so much...I'm singing with you my friend...Love, Penny
Oh great for your Grandson.
Thumbs up. For his age. Way to go.
Love your plants. Looking good and like the pansies too.
Looks like your pictures tell all.
Excellent takes. Thanks for sharing.
You've got enough to do for one or two full time jobs. I think that watching grandchildren compete/perform/play is the best job!
Yay for your grandson! How proud you must be, Grandma. xo
The only thing better than your own children excelling is when your Grands do. It's so exciting.
Granddaughter, Ireland, just graduated from College on Friday night. Mine are all grown now..the youngest is just turning 20.
Now the last phase of my life is here.
You have SO much more to exerience..you are going to have the time of your life!! :) Enjoy every single second!
Always love your white bleeding hearts!
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