
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Daddy’s Day . . .

Father’s Day . . .
My dad . . .
My “daddy” . . .
I really liked him . . .
Authentic to the core . . .
We were great friends . . .
He listened . . .
Hard worker . . .
Loyal . . .
Loved my mom, my brother, me . . .
Told me many stories about when he was young . . .
Stern . . . following the rules was a must . . .
There was ALWAYS laughter . . .
He visited me/us one time after we moved to Montague.
He loved the Green Bay Packers . . .
Chicago Cubs . . .
He loved me, I loved him . . .
He believed in me . . .
He loved his gardens . . .
I remember him most when I am puttering with my flowers, trees, bushes, mowing the lawn . . .
Listening to bird chirps!

Weeding the garden . . . I think . . .

He loved his trees, bushes, plantings . . . cranberry hedge . . .

He helped me de tassel 10 acres of corn near Hampton, Iowa
the summer before I went off to college.
Oh my, oh my . . . was that hard work.
It gave me my tuition money though and a bit more . . .

My all time favorite picture . . .

‘til next time . . .


eileeninmd said...

Hello, you have some wonderful memories of your Dad. What a great Father's Day tribute. Enjoy your day and have a great new week!

Karen Lakis said...

Oh - I love that photo, too! It's also wonderful that you have so many of these older photos. This was a beautiful way to remember your dad!

MarmePurl said...


A Colorful World said...

What a sweet tribute to your Dad!

Marge in Michigan said...

Hello, Lynne. I enjoyed reading this tribute to your Dad. What lovely memories you have. The last photo is precious and I can see why it is a favorite.

Linda said...


Bill said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Dad. The memories are priceless.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What beautiful photos and memories. You are an amazing person and it is because of the man who you are paying tribute to today.

Jeanie said...

A wonderful post filled with beautiful memories, Lynne. He sounds like quite a wonderful man.

Sarah Huizenga said...

No wonder you have such a love of your gardens.

Jeevan said...

Nice sharing those wonderful photos of your father and he sounds like a nature lover and caring person of you family. Loved the last pic

likeschocolate said...

What a sweet tribute to your father!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet memories of your father! Black and white photos tells us many sweet and old memories:)

Silver in AZ said...

new to your blog. :) Lovely photos, and a grand tribute to your daddy. :)