
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Warm, Sunny, Summery . . .

Warm, Sunny, Summery, Saturday  . . . 
Farmers Market . . . Flowers . . .
Lucifer, Crocosmia
I hunted the market and found a vendor who made me smile.
Three more bunches to be planted this week!
There I go again, “it’s the little things!”
How about you, finding some “little things” to bring some smiles!
Cleome made me burst out in huge smiles . . . 
‘til next time


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Lynne, the flowers are really lovely - They make me smile too! Truly another best part of the summer!!

barb said...

I've never seen one. Pretty.

This N That said...

Beautiful flowers. How can you not smile? Almost makes summer worthwhile... we are in the middle of our next heat spell. 90s and humidity every day. I can’t believe that August is just a few days away. Enjoy your week. Hugs

Bill said...

Pretty flowers, Lynne. Enjoy your day!

Kim said...

I love the colors, Lynne...all summer!!

Linda said...

💕L O V E 💕 Cleomes!
How are things going!

MarmePurl said...

I am a big collector of little things.

krishna said...

This is gorgeous bunch of flowers!

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Cleomes make me smile, too, and summer...yes! I'm glad you're having a happy season!

Kerin said...

Such beautiful flowers!
A couple of years ago, I planted some Cleome seeds {bought at the dollar store, no less}
and when they grew and blossomed, they sure put a smile on my face!
That's one of the best things about summer...Farmer's Markets and flowers!


Michelle said...

Lovely flowers, Lynne. I have some Cleome growing this year. My mother in law always called them spider lilies.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Cleome is a unique and lovely flower. Your arrangement is very pretty, Lynne. I walked the local garden center on Sunday. The outdoor decor section held so many beautiful fountains. I felt like I was in a park. It was wonderful. Hugs, Nancy

Marge in Michigan said...

Good evening, Lynne. Love that made me smile too!

Jeanie said...

What a beautiful bloom. Of course you had big smiles. Who wouldn't?

Karen Lakis said...

Your flowers are making me smile, too. Isn't there a quote by a famous author about the earth smiling in flowers? - so true!

Art and Sand said...

Beautiful blooms!