
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Little Artist . . .

Great Grand Oakland has a new baby brother.
His name is Leland.
GG O drew a picture of her momma holding Leland.
I ran into her GG Carole at the grocery store a few days ago.  
We had a great parking lot visit.  
She showed me Oakland’s picture and sent it to me.  
Pencils, Pens, Paints . . . Oakland is in love . . .
I think this five year old gem has an artistic touch.
I found out that she refers to me as Green GG.
Isn’t that delightful.
It’s the little things
‘til next time


Beth at PlantPostings said...

Very sweet. Your little ones are adorable. :)

Jeanie said...

Congratulations! The photo is so sweet! And I'll be you are over the moon!

This N That said...

It's the little things indeed...Two cuties..lucky you..Another artist in the family!!!ENjoy your week..

babs said...

She's following in GGG,s footsteps!

Karen Lakis said...

I agree, Oakland has some artistic talent. I love her drawing, it's such a beautiful perspective - and so expressive! Your GG's are adorable - so good you can enjoy them!

Kim said...

Oh my goodness, darling!!

MarmePurl said...

Congratulations Triple G !!!

Marge in Michigan said...

Hi, Lynne! Oakland is an artist-in-the-making! What a sweet, happy, colorful picture! Your 2-GGs are darling, GGG! Smile!