Irish Celebration
Muskegon, Michigan
40th Annual Flag Raising
Took place earlier this afternoon
Members of old
some of the new
attended the flag raising ceremony
on a very chilly bright sunny day
Greeted by Society President
Kevin Donovan
A bit of the History
of the
Muskegon Irish American Society
Neil Mullally
Bagpipers played
Sweet Molly Malone
Gerry Lafferty
was there with his family
I missed seeing his
sweet Irish gal
Peg Lafferty
who left us sadly in July of 2011.
It was Peg who first told me about the society
many years ago in the early eighties.
Peggy was very proud of her Irish heritage
and the
Muskegon Irish American Society.
I know that guy in the yellow,
better known as
Mr. Irish Garden House
In the next photo,
Chris Zahrt
on the right
is the person who
has tirelessly
made the
into one of the best festivals in the mid west.
For more information
about the festival for 2013
check out the link above.
We hope to see you there
September 13-15, 2013
Mr IGH and I
will be enjoying
our favorite Irish group
when they headline the festival this year.
There were many
faithful society members
at the flag raising.
As the flag was raised
we broke out in a chorus of
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
When Irish eyes are smiling,
sure,'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing..
When Irish hearts are happy.
All the world seems bright and gay,
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too!
Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you, Lynne! Have a happy day!
Ah Lynne - have a grand time!
As you celebrate, Lynne : May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.
Enjoy the day Lynne
happy day to you, dear irishwoman!
Wish I could have been there!
Love this. Had a lone bagpiper at my Mom's funeral, per her request. Moving beyond works.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, beautiful Lassie.
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