
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Heads, Tails and Green Day . . .


this little junco
is whispering
 heads up

time to join in
for a bit of green on
raindrops and daisys
march you say
time to bring on the 
 above photos from
from top down
looking out on to bantry bay
mop heads of blue in a sea of green
chapel door
one more
heads up
don't be on the
tail end
like me
in joining up to 
Green Day


Raindrops and Daisies said...

Beautiful photos Lynne.

Isn't the chapel door fantastic?

Wondering how the weather is with you now, is it still snowing?

Roll on Spring.

Thanks for linking up my friend.

Have a lovely weekend.

x Fiona

TexWisGirl said...

cutie. :) and the birds are sweet, too. :)

Razmataz said...

Hi Lynne, Lovely photos as always.

I'm now an online seller for if you or your friends want anything else, let me know. Of course you will get my friends and family discount. I got another of your bracelets to sell because I love it so much. I will get my site up and running shortly.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful photos of your visit to Ireland Lynne. It would be wonderful to visit that country. Enjoy the day. Pamela

Musings from Kim K. said...

How fantastic is that green door! Love the sweet details. Gorgeous photos.

Gail said...

Ireland would be my dream place to visit. It seems to call to me.

My name is Riet said...

Great pictures. It is so good to see a lot of green.

Unknown said...

Never been to Ireland, but I love the Irish and their zest for life:) The hydrangea are so pretty (responding late at green day:) )

Jill said...

I love that little junco and was so happy to see him. And then I got to the green door and hollered with delight. I WANT that door!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

we always called junco's 'snow birds' because if you see a junco, you'll see snow.

Anonymous said...

Doors don't come much prettier than the green one!

Jojo said...

We need some spring green but I get so discouraged. How is it that everything in the yard is brown...except the weeds!!!!!

Jenny Woolf said...

AH, lovely view. Can hardly beat Ireland when the weather is good. Thanks for posting this and reminding me of summer!:)

Jenny Woolf said...

You'll have to post some more on Paddy's day!

eileeninmd said...

Lynne, I love your Ireland photos. Visiting Ireland is top on my bucket list. You know I love the cute Redpoll. BTW, I am still waiting for mine to show up. Wonderful post and photos. Have a happy Sunday and week ahead.

Nancy said...

Juncos are such sweet birds -- I wish they would stay all year. :)

This N That said...

Cute birdies..I'll try to hook up later when I have the time to figure out how..I've never done it..