
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Melting In Blue Sky Days . . .


Slowly, very slowly the snow is melting. 
I walked around the yard the other day looking for
just a bit of green so I would believe it was going to happen.
The red twig of the dogwood against the snow made for a welcomed sight.
The green of the pachysandra against the wall of the house gives you a glimpse of how much of a melting needs to happen here in our nest of Michigan.
The holly has been buried under a huge bunch of snow. 
I am hoping it survives the winter.
The stone if it is righted the right way,
holds water for the birds that flit in and out of the feeders near by. 
I turned it on its side in the fall so the birds and or animals might have
a bit of a covering from the winter winds.
 The boxwood which is near one of the garden benches gives the richest evidence
that spring is near.  But they are green all year long so I guess the evidence
is that one of the bushes is peeking out from the snow piles for me to see.
And then the robin I saw the other day reminded me of this painting of my mothers.
She painted it years ago when she took up a pen and brush at sixty plus years of age. 
I wonder what she was thinking when she sketched and painted this Robin.
Longing for spring maybe . . . like we are.
 I see snow  on the branches and some flowers beginning to bud too.
There is no doubt . . . spring is just around the corner.
 The truth of the seasons reminds us . . . after the winter comes the spring.
In this week of Passover and Easter
may we find the message of freedom and renewal in each of our lives.
May we send this wish to one and all. 
Be well my friends.
Peace and Shalom


Jill said...

Dear Lynne:
It seems Spring really is coming to MI! It brings me hope.

I adore your Mom's painting! It's lovely and what a treasure.

Easter Blessings to you and your family.

Barb said...

Your mom was gifted. Love the painting. I don't think I've seen it before.

I saw a few hyacinths poking up along the house today. There is hope! SMILE!

Pondside said...

Such a restful post, Lynne. I enjoyed reading and looking at the images of winter receding.
The wish you offer all of us is the one I wish for you, too.

Bonnie said...

Lynne, The painting is precious! You do have a bit of melting. I am hoping this means you didn't get hit with the latest storm. We have had bone chilling winds today; tonight it will drop back below freezing....and I live in the south! I am not complaining tho'. Have a wonderful week. Bonnie

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Your mother truly had a hidden gift all those years!! (what a treasure) and oh my to see all that green buried in the melting snow...we don't have anything that stays that green all winter!! (Maybe just ME) Have a blessed week!!

Musings from Kim K. said...

A beautifully written post. Delightful pictures (as always). I saw a robin this afternoon when I was outside with Josie on our neighborhood walk. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

Peace back at ya! Snowy day here. I am ready for blossoms on the trees!!!

Heather said...

Isn't it nice to see some brightness the beginnings of the "melt"... we had a nice day here too! Love your Mum's painting, so sweet and charming! Cheers~

eileeninmd said...

Lynne, it is nice to see the snow melting away. Spring is coming. Your Mother's drawing is pretty, love the Robin. Thanks for the lovely wish and message. Happy Easter to you! Have a great week ahead.

MarmePurl said...

Peace to you too dear one. I am inspired by your mother's painting. So lovely.

This N That said...

We had a little snow over night..It was truly beautiful this morning..It's still snowing but melting as soon as it lands..Your Mothers painting is lovely...Have a wonderful week.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful post Lynne. It still looks as wintry there as it does here. Your mother's painting is so pretty and must be a favourite keepsake for you. We haven't seen any robins here yet but maybe by the weekend as it warms up more each day. Have a blessed Easter week, Lynne. Pamela

Lynn said...

Looking at your mother’s painting it’s easy to see where your creativity comes from. I’m anxious to see your wonderful gardens shed winter and show their color. It’s almost a year since I started following your blog. Your gardens led me tarry, your writing convinced me to stay. How thoughtful you were to think of shelter for the birds or small critters before the cold weather set in. Lynne, it’s so like you to provide for others. Happy melt off.

At Home in English Valley said...

Snow and snowdrops...Spring is making us wait. I had 4 Robins in my yard this afternoon. They know how to find life in the still frozen ground. The melting snow cover will bring life too.
I love your Mom's painting. Someday I'll post about my Aunt Sabina who also started painting late in life. Inspiring!
Love, Penny

Nancy said...

Love your mom's artwork -- so cute and colorful!

RURAL said...

This part of the season that you are at feels like the excitement of starting a new journey...

Bouncing on your toes, eager to get out there, it's coming, and soon.

Stay focused and patient, that snow is going to melt.


Deb said...

Tt's getting closer Lynne, hang in there! I discovered a group of daffodil shoots in our garden yesterday, they are bursting up through almost 2 inches of solid ice; Mother Nature is so amazing! Love the picture your Mom painted, robins always are the heralds of Spring for me too. Wishing you and yours a Happy Easter, Deb

Bee Haven Bev said...

That is so great that your mother started to draw and paint in her 60's. And what a lovely keepsake for you!
Happy Easter to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter.

Melanie said...

Isn't it wonderful how pachysandra stays so green and fresh-looking under all that snow?

Your mother's robin painting is so beautiful. I hope you have it hanging somewhere!