
Monday, April 1, 2013

A Teeny Tiny Peek . . .

Not an April fool joke!
There have been snow flurries off and on today
with temperatures in the high twenties.
Even so, just a few minutes ago,
I thought I would check on my Hellebore's
to see if there was any evidence of the
shoots peeking through the chilly Michigan soil.
           This area was snow covered yesterday           
But lo and behold,
once again,
nature brings it little miracles.
I covered them up
to wait for the warmer weather
predicted for the end of the week.
Happy Spring Happenings
for each of you.
Love, Lynne


TexWisGirl said...

yippee for new growth! :)

Musings from Kim K. said...

Come on SPRING! Tomorrow is going to be another chilly day but rumor has it we might see lovely weather for Friday! Our yard needs a good spring cleaning. So does the tree house.

Bonnie said...

Oh she is headed your way. I am just almost positive. We have one more hump to get over and I think the cold will be out of here. I found azaleas blooming today.....Bonnie

eileeninmd said...

Lynne, it is so nice to see signs of spring. A tiny peek can make one happy. Yea, Spring has sprung!

Anonymous said...

Some flowers just amaze me with their uncanny ability to endure the cold, on again, off again springtime temperatures.

Heather said...

Oh, what delight! The miracle of birth under a blanket of snow! Lovely! Chers~

Jill said...

No snow here but is sure was cold!

Rain said...

Wow beautiful pic Lynne!! It's really coming!!
And thanks for the heads up on my blog the other day.. Geeze how did that happened?!?! Guess to keep us on our toes!!
Have a great week!

Pamela Gordon said...

That is a delightful photo of spring's promise. We had cold snow/rain yesterday and it's not going above freezing today! At least the sun is shining. Enjoy the day!

The Sage Butterfly said...

I often miss this stage because of snow or cold temperatures. They look so beautiful emerging into their blooms.

RURAL said...

There was a sigh of relief when I saw those shoots. I want every one to have spring ... it's the kind of wonder that should be shared.


This N That said...

Glad to see that spring is just around your corner too..I guess we just have to be patient..

Lynn said...

Always a delight to watch receiving mail and see Irish Garden House on my screen. Happy week, Lynne. Happy Spring!

Olive said...

It is great to see those first signs of spring bursting forth. The hummingbirds arrived here Friday. That is when I know spring has arrived here in the deep south. Thanks for all your visits to me, Olive

Laura said...

I am a new visitor and follower.
Our weather is so strange this year. I bet you are dying to get out in the yard and really dig.
I live in South Texas and it has been in the 80's here.

Enjoyed visiting,

White Spray Paint

At Home in English Valley said...

Hi Lynne, Hope you are feeling better, you must be if you're peeking for signs of life. Be well dear friend. Love, Pennyi

Thistle Cove Farm said...

There's a nasty rumor snow is headed my way again...nasty rumor!