Today was sunny, warmer and such a great day for me.
I am feeling better which helps considerably.
Plus I received good news from all my tests . . . that helps too.
My energy exploded and I tore from one end of the house to another,
primping and putzing with this and that and loved having time to "do my thing!"
I cut some red twig dog wood and forsythia branches
and brought them inside to force some of the leaf and flower to bloom.
The snow is melting very fast now and is almost gone except for the huge piles.
The melting has made it possible to find some green bursting up from the ground.
Little less than ten pound Snickers seemed to puff up a bit over the winter
so I guess it is time to double up on our walking.
She kept watch for me today as I picked up some sticks in the yard.
My best time today was pulling out my gardening books
and making some decisions about some new plantings.
Plus arranging the vases and sprucing up my Easter flowers,
it has made for a perfectly wonderful day.
My grateful heart thanks each and every one of you for
caring about me and sending me good wishes.
Until next time,
Love, Lynne
i loved the 'seemed to puff up over winter'. hahahahaha!
loved your joy.
How nice that you are seeing signs of Spring. Enjoy it.
ah....perfectly wonderful days are the very BEST.
I'm glad you are feeling better. Beautiful pictures. We ventured to the butterfly exhibit in search of really warm temps and blooms. I'm so ready for spring!!
It's so easy to puff up, isn't it? Hope spring continues to tease, then arrive full blown.
I love the shot of the dresser with the jars. Very pretty. Glad your results were good.
Look at all the things that are sprouting up your way!! My neighbors daffodils started to bloom this morning!! Yay! Spring is finally here.
And I hope that you are feeling better soon also.
Spring brings such a great feeling.
Snickers looks so sweet..I guess we all "puff up" over the winter.Although I must say, we did our usual amount of walking..Wish I had some forsythia to force..Ha!
Hello Lynne
I'm a new follower, and loved reading your post 'I Loved Today'...
I too have 'puffed up' this winter. Now that's made me feel a lot better saying puffed up rather than 'Gained lots of lbs.' Your little dog is gorgeous so cute. I'll be reading lots of your old posts, I've a lot to catch up on.
Glad to hear you are on the mend! Hope you have some warmth and sunshine to bask in and aid your recovery.
Dear Lynne: Thanks for your kind comments recently on my blog. I've been a little sick lately, too, and am just now catching up on my blog visits. I'm glad you're feeling better and that spring is finally making an appearance. Enjoy the forced blooms of the Forsythia and Dogwood! The songbirds are coming back, too. Cheers!
Glad to hear you are getting out again, Lynne. I loved today too. Some of my paths were overgrown. I don’t mind ducking, bobbing and weaving. Others didn’t like the detours and daughter, in particular, was very vocal. Well, she comes over for coffee in the morning so we must not take too seriously what she says before her morning cup. I also noticed visiting neighbors pushing aside branches. So on this gorgeous day I was armed with pruning shears and random acts of kindness for the man reading our electric meter, the gas man and those kind enough to traipse through my woods to visit. Take good care.
It's so encouraging to see signs of spring around the yard isn't it. I'm glad you got good results from your tests. That is inspiration enough to get motivated to start cleaning etc. I saw several robins in our yard today which make me feel very hopeful! Blessings, Pamela
Snickers and Miss Bonnie! I've had to extend my mileage as well. Love seeing all the signs of spring. It has been cold and rainy the last few days. Tomorrow is suppose to be sunny and a bit warmer. Enjoy your spring! Bonnie
Beautiful photos Lynne, and I am so glad you are feeling better... I think we all "puff up" during the winter, don't we, LOL! Cheers~
So glad to hear you are feeling better Lynne and that Spring has arrived! I can relate to Snickers predicament, more walks on the agenda for me too! Lovely pictures as always, Deb
This is such good news, Lynne! I send you hugs and well wishes for more good days!
Oh such pretty pictures! We are so ready for Spring to be here in Tennessee!
Thanks Bonnie and or your help . . . I think I followed directions . . .
Thank Elizabeth . . . the sunshine has been beautuful for the past few days. Love it!
Trying something new . . . hopefully I won't miss your comments anymore . . .
Thank you for visiting . . . and your nice words . . .
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