
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Very Rainy Outside . . .

blooming yellow on the inside


barb said...

Pretty. Love a blue ball jar.

TexWisGirl said...

really cute, lynne!

Gail said...

Nothing says spring quite like Forsythia.

Musings from Kim K. said...

It could stop Any time now. Tomorrows commute could be interesting. Can't get enough spring blooms. Hugs.

Pamela Gordon said...

Very pretty! I have artificial ones 'blooming' inside. :)

RURAL said...

Pretty pretty pretty...

Each fall I say I am going to get one...and I forget.


Pondside said...

I have a tall vase of forsythia on the hall table for all to see - it is a plant that just makes you smile!

Jill said...

So pretty!

babs said...

Nice post, Kim!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Lynne,
You are obviously experiencing the same sort of weather as we are ...... we have been promised some warmer weather over the weekend .... the sun is supposed to be making an appearance between the showers !!!!
A beautiful photograph ..... forsythia just says Spring, doesn't it ?
Have a lovely weekend Lynne. XXXX

Lynn said...

Wishing you a rainbow.

Anonymous said...

I should probably have cut a bit of our forsythia this spring but all the house stuff just didn't give me time. I do have fake forsythia in a vase year round though and it always puts a smile on my face because of it's sunny yellow color. Enjoy your week-end!! xox

This N That said...

We are also having much needed rain..Mollie and I got soaked this AM..Have a great weekend Lynne..

Liz said...

Still rainy and dreary around here!The Forsythia looks great in the blue ball jar! C'mon spring!

Carol said...

The forsythia is beautiful around here this year. I think I say that every year, maybe I'm just craving the color. Wish I had some to bring in & force.
Your combination with the blue ball jar is perfect!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

It was rainy here today as well but ended up sunny and clear. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful; hope there as well, Lynne.

HWIT BLOGG said...


Take care,