It snowed yesterday, just a few inches
but once again
it snowed.
it snowed
on top
of feet upon feet
of snow still on the ground!
It is not spring around the western shores of Michigan.
The good news is . . .
it is predicted to be in the fifties on Friday.
Just thought you might like to know.
Until next time,
Love, Lynne
Welcome to the Permanent Winter Club. Here in West Central Minniesnowda, it continues to snow (lightly but on an almost daily basis) plus that endless wind blows across the Prairie making cold seem much colder. This weekend we are due for 50 degrees, whatever will we do about it!
Jo, Stella and Zkhat
you poor northerners! :)
Fingers crossed for those 50 degree temps. I'm worried about any future rain on top of all this snow. This could be another horrible flooding come April. Our backyard is going to be a HUGE mudpit. Josie will be in heaven.
Spring will come . . . we hope!
Snow, go away!!! We finally have no snow on the ground here and that makes me happy! I hope your snow is all melted soon!
Jeeeeeez. What in the heck did you people do to make Mother Nature so angry with you this year??
Oh Lynne, I think your part of the country and mine are in line with all the storms this winter. We're in a blizzard here today and it's wild out there. I'm almost worried about our big living room window! It keeps creaking in the gusts. I hope it's screwed in tightly. Hehe.
Hi Lynne, I have some good news-our amaryllis has a small green shoot. I have been watching and hoping. All my others are out and about 4 inches. This one is new so I should have realized it would take it longer to green up. I will photograph it when it gets larger. I do not think it will bloom this year but you never know. I do wish you a good thaw soon. xo, olive
Lynne, I guess I should not complain about our measly inch we got yesterday.. I am not sure were spring is.. but it is not here or there. Enjoy your evening and rest of the week..
Stay warm! It does look cold!
That is so wild. We still have some snow on the ground, but the new snow was just a dusting. And now it's melting fast! Looking forward to the mild weekend!!!
Yes quite the disappointment on Tuesday morning. But Wednesday, even though cold was delightful.
May the snow leave soon.
Beautiful pictures even if you did promise.
Ick! You still have lots of snow on the ground! I hope you see some 50's to melt some of that stuff!
Ugh! Will it ever end for you all? Pretty photos though. :)
I hope you have a boat handy..You'll need it when all that melts..We're supposed to get 2 inches of rain this weekend...But next week will be 50-60 degrees..Yay
OH GOOD GRIEF!! I have a darling little guest room! :):) This winter has been just so overdone by Mother Nature that one has to wonder if she isn't going through the "change of life"...
As I said.. GOOD GRIEF!!
Oh NO not again! I feel for you. We're on a (rain) kick here this week.
And we are plowing again this afternoon!
It's been below zero most every night, even double digits below zero.. so we have not even had temps that can melt the old winter-long snow away for a week or more.. I'm dreaming of that magic sound of trickles & drops of melting! With a late Easter this year, we were sure we would have a nice spring outdoor Easter egg hunt.. Not so sure anymore. :)
Click your heels together and repeat after me, "There's no time like spring. There's no time like spring. There's no time like. . ."
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