while celebrating a friends birthday the other night
I noticed the fences around their various gardens
and their patch of
Lily of the Valley
I am wondering if this fencing might help
keep the deer from nibbling the greens
I am thinking so
join in with
I hope to see you there,
Love, Lynne
Mmmmm, lily of the valley always reminds me of my mom. It was one of her favorites.
I'm sure it does keep the out. Have a great day :)
I love Lily of the Valley when in bloom.
In answer to your question on my blog.
it does look like they had to add it after the shorter picket fence had been there. :)
thanks for linking!
Great fences . Mine are up.
My goodness, I just cannot get over how green it is where you live.
Of course, living in the West, we have the deserts.
I should think fencing will help keep the deer out. Fencing helps keep the deer out around here. The higher the fence, the more deer it keeps out :)
Probably so. They love to snack on Lily of the valley flowers I know! The first two photos reminds me of a magical forest behind there. Very nice photos.
Yep, looks like the fencing we use here to keep the deer out.
we have to do the same for our garden!
I hope the fence keeps all the critters out! We did the same to protect our garden! Have a happy day!
I guess we are fortunate not to have a problem with Deer nibbling the garden ... hope it works to preserve the lovely Lily of the Valley.
Pretty photos! We are in need of some high fencing around our garden. A deer got into my green beans yesterday and ate the tops off!
I've found no fence that keeps them out. Good luck.
Yes, I would think that beautiful fence would help with the deer and rabbits. I love Lily of the Valley! And it's rabbit- and deer-resistant. Smells and looks beautiful. Definitely a winner!
All 3 great fences
Lovely captures!
I understand, got a lot of deer in my place also. They eat everything.
A lovely place!
I love your header, sleek and so chic. We used to put up similar fencing to deter the Deer and some of them just laughed at us.
We don't have deer, but the rabbits always seem to find a way over, under or just through any fence to get to the tender plants.
We, [well me]...are discussing fences. There is a resident deer around here now.
Nice fence shots. I bet it is to keep out deer. I like the white picket in front of the wire fence.
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