white rod iron . . . picket style
rows of stone
concrete plus hedge
black picket like rod iron, plus landscape plantings
white board entrances
estate fencing
michigan fences found
june seven two zero one four
all fences for
what can you find
join in
Good Fences
until next time
love, lynne
Hi Lynne - interesting post! I love fences and am commenting on different types, but never thought of photographing them. Pretty photos of a favorite things.
Nice to different types of fence in your post. Love the stone fence the most!
Well, you got them all. What's left for next week? I have trouble finding fences sometimes. Great ones you have. xo Jenny
Good Morning, Lynne! Wonderful finds for your fence post. My favorite is the black iron! Have a happy day!
These are some very beautiful fences indeed Lynne!! Wow!
thank you for showing us many and varied fences in your post today.
Love all the different fences that you found!
Would love to have been in the car with you, and you cruised up to a fence, stopped and started taking pictures.
Wonder what other folks thought??!! Hahaha.... what we blogger do, to share a picture :)
Love the rock wall, and I adore the post and rail fence.
We'd like to do post and rail fence along our side yards, and a low rock wall along the back of our yard...... one day.
Have a happy day, my friend.
you're so cute. :) love the pines and any fence you find! thanks for linking!
All are lovely and have their own special charm!
I love the stone
the Best. I have always favored stones and rocks have a great day. I'm trying out my iPad and using the speaker instead of typing it seems to be working pretty well except I forget to put in the punctuation.
Lots of neat fences! I like the white iron and stone ones best!
Gorgepus fences, Lynne!
Ops! Sorry... I mean "gorgeous"
Amazing job. Some of those look very old...and beautiful...Janey
You found a bunch of great ones. I love searching for unique fences and so glad we have this meme to have fun with. Happy Thursday!!
a great selection!
I love the fences you found, Lynne! I think the first one is my favorite, it's really hard to choose!
Lynne, good photos and, around here, good fences make good neighbors.
I really like Wrought Iron fences a lot. You got some great fence shots here.
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