
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hodge Podge . . .

I saw this idea for
Omelet Muffins
from Michele Spanicciati
on Facebook this morning
So I tried it . . .
I greased the muffin tins.
I used varying combos of the following;
Chopped Onions, Red Peppers, Broccoli, Summer Squash,
Cheddar Cheese, Pepper Jack Cheese, Bacon, Seasoning.
I was surprised that it took a full dozen eggs to
make the muffins.
I think next time I will use less ingredients.
Bake in a 350 oven for a half hour.
We ate half of them.
Leftovers . . . yay!
I also made this today for dinner for Sunday.
Crock Pot easy recipe of pork, potato, onion, carrot.
Mushrooms if you like. 
One can each of cream of mushroom soup
and cream of chicken soup
three fourths cup of water.
recipe calls for pork chops
I used a small pork loin
cook on high for four hours
(I tasted it,  . . . yummy!)
Donna and I had another painting night on Thursday.
We repeated the Poinsettia that we had done a week ago.
Tough night for me, I am just not getting the shading and shadowing.
I need more practice for sure.
Donna is very good and I appreciated her help!
We are taking another class this week. 
My friend Barb found
Winter Berry
growing in a swampy area
and she shared her secret place with me.
I purchased a pair of Bogs to wear
for the Winter Berry picking.
Thank goodness I had the boots.
swampy, mucky, yucky
 Beautiful Bright Red Berries
I hope to do some outdoor decorating with them
 as well as make some arrangements for indoors.
that's all for today
'till next time,
Love, Lynne


Beth at PlantPostings said...

Oh my goodness, I am going to try those muffins for sure! Any Bisquick or breading, or is it all eggs? Great idea, either way! The winter berries are so pretty. Stay warm next week!

MarmePurl said...

I have eggs...
I have pork...

Gail said...

Now, I'm hopelessly hungry!!!!

Your art is wonderful. Why did you hide this gift from us?? Kidding. Great work and glad there is another class.

Nancy said...

What a wonderful and newsy post from the delicious muffins to the beautiful berries to your artwork. I feel as though I am getting to know you much better….

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I was so inspire I ran right out and gathered sticks from under the trees in the front yard. I am going to spray paint them gold or silver or both..and use them in some of my arrangements. I'll add the painted brambles..and some evergreen branches to my roses...and see how they look..silver for the living room with all it's deep rose reds and pinks...and gold for the family room with it's red checks etc.
Wish I could paint!! I mean REALLY paint like you are learning to do. I just cannot stand the thought of going to a class in the evening when I'm tired already..but I really should practice.
You are do so GREAT! If you keep at it you will see improvement each time you do it. Three steps forward and two back..just like everyone. :) You would cringe if you could hear me trying to play Christmas music on the piano. LOL
AWFUL!! Even Mele runs and hides. :(

This N That said...

I have Winter berry growing in my garden..It needs to mature..Love it..Good luck with your art class..
You made me hungry!!

Pamela Gordon said...

Those breakfast muffins sure sound delicious! I love winterberries and they do grow here in our province but I don't know of any places near me. :( I bought a bouquet of them at the market one year but they fall off so easily once dried. Your poinsettia is beautiful to me. Better than I could do for sure. :)

Musings from Kim K. said...

Those breakfast muffins look wonderful. I could have used your special boots this weekend at the a-frame. My feet were wet most of the day raking leaves. Your painting is lovely. Stay cozy this week!

Sarah Huizenga said...

Of Course I love the Bogs...but black really!? Keep working on the painting and don't give up. You have huge potential.

Kerin said...

Looks like a nice weekend... cooking and finding the winterberry!

Will the winterberry last? Do you have to spray it with sealer to preserve it??

Hope that this week is a great one for you.


Linda said...

Everything looks so beautiful and delicious!!!

barb said...

omelet muffins, yum, have to remember those. Where do I find those winter berries in south Dakota? Its winter here today, snow coming down.

bj said...

O, I've made the muffins and they are so good. So handy to eat.
Love your painting...if I ever did that good, I'd fall over in a dead faint and never live to paint another. :)
Love your pretty berries. I don't think we have them around our parts..except at the florist. BUMMER.