I heard some Good News yesterday.
Nancy of A Rural Journal
has returned.
I am happy indeed,
I enjoyed her and her wisdom.
I have missed her.
I think I might have met Nancy through Random 5 Friday
You too might enjoy her and the many others that visit her.
Here are my Random 5 facts for this Friday.

The weather we drove through on our way through
Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas on our way to Texas looked like this.
Dreadful conditions . . . we thought we had planned carefully
with the weather reports . . . but we missed the mark.
Snickers, our non traveler surprised us.
She did just fine.
She managed to curl up under our feet and even
crawled into the back of the car and found a private little corner.
I clicked fast when I saw this Welcome to Texas sign!
The sweetest oranges I ever have had came from South Texas.
I wish I had an Orange Tree in my yard!
This is just one of the many American flags I saw flying through our travels.
All sizes, many different locations.
We saw more cooler, rainy days than seeing a day like this one.
Blue sky, sunshine and our flag . . . what a wonderful sight.
Almost one year old.
Curious, active and a bit of jibber jabber too.
1. Link up a blog post with 5 random facts
about you, your day, your pets, your kids, whatever!
2. Posts not containing 5 random facts may be deleted
(sorry, but I don't ask much!)
3. Visit a few other participants if you are able
Thanks Nancy, wonderful to have you back.
Love, Lynne
Thanks Nancy, wonderful to have you back.
Love, Lynne
I hate driving in that foggy, rainy kind of weather too. Enjoy being back home for the start of spring!
thanks for sharing your 5 randoms!
NOT good driving weather at all! at least that's behind you now.
snickers!! adorable!!
oranges!! yum! i did have an orange tree some years back but during one winter freeze, the oranges turned sour after that! :( always sour. i used them for cooking!
flags, blue skies & grandkid!! life is good, eh?!
those driving condition are horrendous. Your great grand daughter looks lovely. Hope your weekend goes well.
Cute babies and pups...the best kind of random! :)
I recognize those driving conditions! Ha! Such fun random fives but, you know I love that bonus! Such a cutie! Their jibber jabber is music to my ears. I love seeing American flags, too... ;) blessings ~ tanna
i'm just glad you 3 made it thru the weather and back safely, too.
Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed your Texas trip...your little Snickers is so cute but not quite as cute as your jibber jabber little one. :)
Your five was very nice indeed and the extra was EXTRA cute. Aren't those grands just the sweetest ever!!
Nice post in spite of it all...I'm glad Snickers didn't add to the misery..Good girl...Your grand daughter is SO cute..Great age...They grow so fast..
Love the cute faces, pupster...kiddo...and the oranges. One day I would like to be able to pick a orange off of a tree. Bucket list...lol.
I'd love to have an orange tree (or a whole grove!) in my yard, too. :)
Fun having Nancy back!!
Oh I don't enjoy driving in the rain or fog or snow. Glad you made it safely. How sweet is that great grand of yours! They grow so fast.
I sure am glad you got to Texas without incident; looks like heavy rain you had to drive through....Your furry friend is beautiful as is your grand daughter....Have fun....
I had wondered if Snickers traveled with you. What a good pup to be such a happy traveler. Welcome home! Just in time for the return of warmer weather and snuggles with your great granddaughter!!
Snickers is just the cutest!
It's nice that she was able to travel so well.
So glad that you were able to travel safely, esp. considering all of the foul weather you had to contend with.
Glad you are home safe and sound, and enjoying that G.Grand baby :)
Thanks for sharing your random five as I enjoyed reading random things:) I should try oranges from Texas some time in my life as I'm so used to eating from California and Thailand. I wish we kind of have that kind of weather we so need it here. It sure does make driving a bit scary here.
Will indeed be back to read more of your posts. I love Ireland too! Cheers from Bangkok! Ping
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