URBAN Dictionary . . .
Springter(noun) 1. when winter just won't let go and spring should be here but you're experiencing multiple blizzards and making more snowmen in one week than you did all winter 2. when you see green grass peeking through the snowpiles 3. when your windows are open to let in a fresh spring breeze but you are still wearing mittens and scraping your windshield On March 31st we had another blizzard, Springter is finally here!
As many of you are experiencing . . . and have mentioned . . . I think it is official . . .
SPRINGTER is happening . . . It is happening here as I write this . . . Snow, Ice, White, Cold . . .
Reminds me, when our first born arrived, 4.14.1964 it was 81 degrees in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
When he turned 7 in 1972, we built a snowman in our yard in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
(Photo in previous post . . . .)
Just a bit of SPRINGTER Trivia from Mighigan Lynne . . .
i hope you’ll enjoy these Robin Treats from web images . . .
Good morning, Lynne. Ditto on springter...#1 applies here in the north country. A light snow is falling as I type. Spring will come but patience is required. Have a great day, Lynne.
It's sprinter for sure..Flurries tonight..
Oh, what a great word! I HAVE seen robins. This is good. Today it snowed --not much but enough to remind me that it's definitely springter!
It needs to stop and get a little warm!
Such a cute little bird.. Beautiful photography!
Yes, enjoyed the beautiful robins immensely. Thank you. Stay warm... and hope Sprinter becomes spring SOON! blessings and hugs ~ tanna
Beautiful pictures and we are totally having Springter! I wish it would go away...
I love the photos and sprinter definition. Definitely experiencing that here too! Ugh! My birthday is April 16....sometimes celebrated with blossoms, sometimes with snow flakes.
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