
Monday, July 2, 2018

The Blue Boat . . .

My most favorite photo catch ever . . .

Tide in . . . tide out . . .
The Blue Boat
South west coast of Ireland . . .
Bantry Bay . . .
We would see the boat as we turned off the winding road from the cottage to “go to town.”
First thing we would see,
as we would “leave town” to travel back up the narrow road to the cottage tucked in the hills.

Bliss days in our life . . .

Thanks to Karen Ann for bringing my memories to light . . .
Look for her Blue Steps at her cottage Stella . . .

happy summer . . .
happy july 4 . . .
belated happy canada day . . .



This N That said...

What a pretty picture of such a sweet memory..Happy 4th to you too...Mollie can't wait for the fireworks ;) of course they have been going on all weekend..

Retired Knitter said...

A very calm picture.

Kim said...

Beautiful picture, Lynne, but I love that it conjures such happy memories for you. Lovely...Happy 4th my friend...xo

Bill said...

A beautiful photo and a wonderful memory. The image has a peaceful feel to it, I like it very much.
Happy 4th to you!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, beautiful photos and happy memories. Happy 4th of July to you and your family!

Karen Lakis said...

That's beautiful, and so special that it brings happy memories.

Jeanie said...

So tranquil and beautiful, Lynne. Big sigh. Don't you love memories like that?

Happy Fourth!

Marge in Michigan said...

Ahhh Ireland, Lynne! I didn't get to Bantry Bay but I saw some gorgeous places when I was in that lovely country. Thank you for sharing the blue boat pictures.