Hello, these are words I believe, I wish more people in our country believed in them too. I can't wait till election day, I hope my prayers are answered. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day!
My kids are able to vote now and they know what an honor and a privilege it is. I hope the rest of their generation does, as well and participates this cycle.
I'm looking forward to this election...high hopes.
Hello, these are words I believe, I wish more people in our country believed in them too.
I can't wait till election day, I hope my prayers are answered. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day!
Amen! For all the people that complain about everything I hope they get out there and get their vote counted. xo Diana
Wonderful post. Great ideas to strive for - one the man in the White House is gone, we might have some forward success again.
Pondering the wise words, Lynne. Thank you for sharing them.
Wow, this is so powerful. Thanks, Lynne. You made my day. I voted yesterday. :)
I wish more people believe these..
My kids are able to vote now and they know what an honor and a privilege it is. I hope the rest of their generation does, as well and participates this cycle.
What a beautiful message today!
We have already voted - our polling spot is the second floor of a big hotel with limited parking so we do mail in.
Wonderful message in this post, Lynne! xo
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