STUFF . . .
1. I often meet friends for coffee, at the Coffee Factory in Muskegon. For the first time, the other day, I took a picture of their sign sculpture. Great sign, tells a bunch about this Coffee House! Great place for a visit . . . coffee is good too . . .
2. Jackie Stambaugh’s BD is August 3 . . .
Her Second BD is October 3.
Reason for the “second birthday” . . .
I couldn’t remember EVER, if her BD was August or October.
I have HER date written down but . . .
I still mess up, confuse the months . . . sooooo, we celebrate twice!
3. You know how a Birthday Reminder pops up in the right hand corner of your FB. Today a name popped up. And my first thought was remembering her death. Off I went to her site, read many a post. Felt quite sad and in disbelief that her death was so long ago. She was a good, crazy fun lady. She gave me many a tip to help me with my gardening. She worked at Wullbrandt’s many years ago. Was a Master Gardener and helped with the Monet Garden in Muskegon. And no doubt, helped with some gardening efforts in Montague, Whitehall as well. She made the most wonderful hand soap. We sold her soap at our TILLERS shop. She was a good lady, feisty spirit, bright mind, loyal friend.
I liked remembering Ilene Shaffer today.
4. The above reminded me to tell my daughter my FB password, (and I did.)
It also reminded me of what to post and what not to post . . .
5. I have had a bad cold. The COLD season is beginning. Remember, wash your hands, cover your coughs, drink lots of water, eat 2-3 cups of veggies each day, take care of yourself and you will also be caring for/about others.
Jackie and I visit together on most Tuesday afternoons. I enjoy our visits, we enjoy one another, we discuss anything, everything, often agree, sometimes we do not. Here I am in ”cold mode” . . . chilled to the bone, wrapped up in a make shift pachmina, yet enjoying Jackie’s “second birthday!”
And . . . one more thing . . . remember to laugh a bunch . . . always!
Laughing about our own self is good for us too.
Here I am, this past year, Mister Irish caught this picture of me, which is often my usual look, as I fall asleep before he does, glasses on, my “side kick Free Cell Solitarie game” at my side . . .
Enjoy a “hoot” on me . . . how freeing it is, to be real!
6. Chapter #2 of STUFF will be out one day again . . . very soon . . .
Hello, I like the coffee shop sign and I love coffee! Happy Birthday to your friend Jackie!
I hope you are feeling better. You sleeping photo is cute! Enjoy your day and weekend!
Hahaha! I needed a new Ipad Mini and was installing an App that had disappeared on my old Ipad because it was so archaic..and the ipad..took a pic of me leaning over it because I clicked a wrong button.
I swear..I looked 95.
Humbling lol.
We live in a world of app enhanced selfies where everyone loks perfect of like kittens.
Take care Lynn:) Thank God colds go away;)
Lovely post, Lynne.
I think it's sweet that you celebrate your friends birthday twice.
Also, I am sorry about your friends passing; it's so nice that she left you all with sweet memories of her and it sounds like she made the world a better place.
Cute sign at your little shop there; very creative.
Have a sweet weekend, take care and I hope you start to feel better soon.
Smiles :)
Love your stuf ! Especially the last picture. I don't laugh often enough that's for sure. Nice to have had friends like that it whose memories still warm your heart. I wish we had a place like that near us. What a great place to meet friends. Happy birthday again Jackie! Lynne, I hope you are soon feeling better. I may be jinxing myself but I haven't had a cold for years. Hope it continues. Enjoy your weekend.
Good afternoon, Lynne! I hope you're feeling much better today. Colds, the bane of weather changes here in Michigan! Chicken soup, Lynne, the all-purpose cure. Eat lots of it. LOL!
Belated Happy Birthday to your friend, Jackie. Having coffee on most Tuesdays is a nice tradition you have. I had no idea where The Coffee Factory is.....but now I do. I'll have to tell my friend Cyndie about it and we'll go there one day soon.
Ah, Monet Gardens. Mike & I have been there several times and we even have a donation brick in the sidewalk there.
That last picture DOES NOT look like you, don't have your pretty smile!
What a nice post Lynne. Love that coffee sign! It nice to celebrate with friends and it's nice to remember the ones no longer with us. Hope you feel better and the last photo is priceless. :)
I LOVE your pictures ... ALL of them. And I here you, sister, falling asleep early. I often feel like doing that but never get the chance!
awww....such a heartfelt your last photo...cute as can be. I wish Mr. Sweet was still with me to take a sleeping photo like this.
It's cool and raining today...I must find something to stay busy today as it's a blues-kind-of-day......
The Coffee Factory sign is simply great - and how nice that the coffee was, too. And why not celebrating two birthdays? There is nothing wrong with it - celebrate life. I completely agree with you that laughter is so important, and yes, laughing about oneself is the best. Thank you for this lovely post.
I love the creativity of the sign! I also love celebrating a birthday twice!! And after having spent the entire weekend laughing with friends, and feeling so much better because of it, I could not agree with your thoughts any more! :-)
Laughing with friends today, remembering friends from your past... It's such a special part of life. YAnd how lucky is your friend that you forget her birthday and celebrate it twice?! :-)
You have such a way with words, Lynne. I do so enjoy reading every post. You mix fun, friendship, sadness and laughter so eloquently all in one. I hope you're feeling better by now...and solitaire is my nemesis. Keeps me up too many nights! ;)
Love that coffee shop sign!
I like free cell myself :-)
Hope your cold is gone now!
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