1. Since the Coffee Factory sign was the beginning of Stuff #1 . . . (October 5, 2018)
I decided to start off #2 with the same sign.
Mostly because I am meeting someone there today who is helping me with my latest “interest.”
Really is a great sign, isn’t it . . .
(This is a redo of my previous post. Plus checking to see if the rewrite will include a place for comments.)

2. Crochet . . . My friend Barb, (or Barbie, like I always call her) (or Barbara, as she would like to be called,) ventures off trying something new almost monthly. Her latest has been crochet. She has made hats, dish cloths, blankets and more hats in the past few weeks. I knew a little bit about crochet . . . not much more than a “mean chain stitch” though. (smile, smile)
On my own, I searched out beginning crochet on YouTube . . . quite amazing. Anything, ANYTHING, we want to learn these days can be found there. So Barbie wanted to see what I was doing on my own. Not much to offer/show yet, but I am having fun trying!

3. Well we met up, Pumpkin Spice latte was wonderful. I felt encouraged . . . at least on the right track!
BUT . . . Oh my, a long way to go . . . my practice at home, headed into disaster . . .
Tried again last night with just twenty stitches . . . not good . . . BUT . . .
I think I know what is happening, or not happening. I will keep you posted, not giving up!

4. Quite fortunate indeed, that I planted several boxwood around our property, several years ago.
They make for wonderful arrangements, inside and out. Today Mister Irish and I went to a well known Winter Berry spot, (friend Barbie originally found this site, or it might have been her husband Richard who found it!). So off we went . . . me in my muck boots, Mister Irish as backup. Fields, glorious dots of Winter Berries in a large off the road area. We searched out the best places. The first was a bit too steep. The second was perfect, although I did sink in up to the top of my wellies. I couldn’t move . . . stuck . . . my foot wanted to pull right out of the boot.
MI came to the rescue and pulled me back up the hill.
Isn’t love grand!

It has been a few weeks since I have had some “flower play” in my life.
I teased myself a bit with the boxwood and berry and made a “pretty” for my kitchen.
Looking forward to begin creating more winter, Christmas like things.
Promising more pics soon!

We continued our drive today toward the Big Lake looking for Bald Eagle sightings. No luck there although we did see many deer back in the Nugent Sound area. (Can you see the deer there in amongst the leaves, bushes, trees.) My son Scott found an Eagle in his yard the other day and sent me some pics. There are many who are on the lookout for me because I have never seen one in person, just pictures. Hoping i can see one, before the end of 2018.

5. I baked a Pumpkin Pie for my Mister Irish yesterday . . .
I am not much of a pie fan but I do love Pumpkin pie with fresh whipped cream.
Oh My!

6. Thank you for your visits, comments too. Not sure what has been going on but I am having trouble with all kinds of posting, commenting issues. Simetimes it takes me 5-10 tries to even leave a comment.
I used to receive notification into my email when someone commented. Now, nothing! It makes me wonder if Bloggers are being forced out. I sure hope not. It is my favorite place to tell stories and connect.
Please forgive me for my not usual staying in touch.
Thanksgiving week for many of us . . . we don’t need Thanksgiving to keep thankful in our hearts.
Think about something each day that warms you up . . . then seek another to “warm up” too.
Oakland’s school bus drawing, with Christmas lights,
that her granny sent me a minute ago, warmed me up plenty.
I love that she enjoys drawing, painting . . . creative little four year old.

Let’s keep California families in our caring . . . help where and however we can.
Happy days my friends . . .
Happy Thanksgiving . . .
Be Thankful
(no place for comments, sorry . . . not sure why!)