
Thursday, April 18, 2019

How About You . . .

As my 80th gets closer and closer, I have been going through old photos.  

My parents had a good friend who had a photography studio, 
so every year off we would go to Dodgeville, Wisconsin 
to have our pictures taken.  

My brother didn’t think it was such a big deal, but I did.  
I ALWAYS managed to get car sick.  
Have you ever traveled twisty, curvy, country roads, 
like those from Lone Rock to Dodgeville Wisconsin?

I am happy I have the pictures though
I have many more pictures to show you! 


Karen Lakis said...

What a wonderful photo! When I see old photos, it is amazing to me how quickly time has flown by! I used to get car sick when we visited our grandparents in Arkansas - something about those hilly, winding roads... ugh... It's a good thin you were able to get some good photos!

Buttons alias Grace said...

Hugs Grace

Marge in Michigan said...

That's a sweet picture, Lynne, but boo on the car sickness. Ah, memories...some good, others not so good!

Beth at PlantPostings said...

OMG, you and your brother were adorable (you still are)! And yes, I have driven that route and it is twisty, curvy--but beautiful. ;-)

Kerin said...

What a wonderful mile mark to celebrate!!!
Love, love the picture.
You still have that same warm smile.


Terra said...

You and your brother are adorable. I grew up in Sheboygan, so I am a Wisconsin girl too.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

The photos truly are treasures, and I always love seeing ones such as this - Especially ones that have the best and fun memories connected to them, and YES that includes ones like your getting sick. My brother still remembers when I did after he did, and he was only about 6 years old. Good times! :-)!!!

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Lovely photo. When I was little I used to always get car sick too! Day trips and holidays were a nightmare for me.

eileeninmd said...


Love your cute photo. Happy 80th to you! Wishing you and yours a very happy and blessed Easter weekend!

Karen said...

How adorable. My mom would have a photographer come to the house where we'd sit on the piano bench with his portable screen behind us.

Jeanie said...

What a cutie! I love this to pieces -- simply adorable!

Retired Knitter said...

Wonderful picture.

krishna said...

Beautiful picture.You are so cute!

barb said...

Aren't these pictures amazing? I love seeing them.

Kay G. said...

Love the photo. My brother always got carsick, I tried to sit far away from him!

Kim said...

I love old photos! SO many great memories.

Alana said...

I get carsick - I find it better if I ride in the front passenger seat of a car. But what a gem - I wish I had those time of pictures of myself. I don't.

Blondie's Journal said...

What a darling little girl you were (and beautiful lady), Lynne! I've never gotten carsick but I've had several dogs who did a number on my car driving to Michigan! Not the same of course, but the cleanup is something a mother always manages to do! I'm in awe that you are approaching eighty. I have now a better appreciation of the wonderful, happy, and busy life you live. As I get older-- next year I'll hit that milestone of sixty, I pray I'm as healthy and happy as my blogging friends, like you, who have this winning spirit.

Thanks so much for your visit. And a Belated Happy Birthday to Scott!

Jane x

Sketchbook Wandering said...

Stopping by to say hello, Lynne. Wow, what a treasure, this photo! YOU are nearing 80 years????? You look so much younger!

Linda said...

Oh you were a cutie pie, Lynne...💓
You are able to post here...can you comment here???
AWWWW...blogger...acting silly...
Have a great weekend...
Linda :o)