
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mister Irish . . .

Mister Irish was ready to have a word with me 
when he came home and noticed the new runner rugs in the kitchen.
I was ready to “face the tiger” . . . 
You see, he is into geometrics, colors which aren’t mine.  
I have lived with his runner rug choices for a few years.
Until today, with a 9/11 remembering heart, storms in view, humidity returned
and I went looking for “runner rugs.” 
They are resting just fine on the Murphy Soaped cleaned wood floors . . . 

not a full smile, but still speaking
not much else one can say
on this day


This N That said...

Love it..that would be my choice as well..good job

Jeanie said...

I love the new runners! Good choice!

Kim said...

A beautiful rug, Lynne...and a lovely distraction on a difficult day.

krishna said...

Love it.

Karen Lakis said...

A little bit of compromise, and now it is your turn. Your new rug looks beautiful on your wood floor!

barb said...

Very pretty. I like it.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I love it, and have something pretty similar! He'll grow to love them too!! :-)

NanaDiana said...

I love it- my taste exactly. Hubby and I are worlds apart when it comes to what we like. oh well---such is life. xo Diana