
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Small Kindnesses . . .

Need I Say More


This N That said...

An important message! Enough said ...hugs

Jeanie said...

I like your hat, Lynne. Thanks for sharing this.

Retired Knitter said...

Kindess never goes out of style.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Bless you. This is sweet and it's a needed message--now, more than ever.

Marge in Michigan said...

Good morning, Lynne. Ironically enough I just ordered a sunflower runner rug this morning! LOL! We're having the carpeting cleaned today (no wood floors in this home with a crawl space...they would be waaayyy too cold) so I want to put the runner down for traffic. We try to be shoeless before stepping onto the carpet into the sunroom from outside but it's difficult for some folks to take off & put on shoes again. Age, I think!

I love that reading...I appreciate courtesy A LOT! You have a good day.

Kim said...

Kindness is contagious I I try to spread it whenever I can. Just like you!

Jean | said...

Lynne, that is beautiful! Kindness. Reminders like this are needed these days.