
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Day My Friends . . .

Good Morning
I borrowed this picture from a friend of mine.  
And I am sending this wish on to you.
Please enjoy your day.

I had my surgeon follow up yesterday.
All good news, I am healing beautifully, the new shoulder is in place perfectly.
I feel better and better each day, my long therapy begins on the third.
I am thankful.
And thanking each of you for your visits and love!
I will be back soon!


This N That said...

Sweet!! Glad you are healing well..I would have expected no less from you..Get ready for the fun to begin but in the meantime have a glorious Thanksgiving! Hugs..

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Lynne

I am glad you are healing and recovering from your surgery. Take care! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Glad your shoulder is OK now and I say AMEN to that poster

Shari Burke said...

Glad to know that your shoulder is better and that recovery is going so well!

Retired Knitter said...

Happy Thanksgiving Lynne. So glad to hear that you are mending well!

NanaDiana said...

Hi Lynne! I am so happy to hear that your shoulder is healing properly. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that your weekend is a wonderful one. xo Diana

krishna said...

It is a very good news that you are healing fast. Loads of hugs..

Karen said...

So good to hear that you're doing well!

Jeanie said...

Very good news on your healing! I'm thrilled!

Marge in Michigan said...

I hope you & yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Lynne. We (14 of us total but lacking one grandson who couldn't make it) were in Ada at our middle son's home. What fun & yummy food. I'm so happy to hear your recovery is going well! Sending hugs!

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving, Lynne! I'm glad to hear that you're healing well and fast. :)

Granny Sue said...

Came over for a visit from my friend's Coffee on the Porch with Me blog. My sister Mary just had shoulder surgery too, so she's your sister in recovery at the moment.

I share your love and longing for Ireland. We've visited 3 times and plan to go back this year or next to explore Northern Ireland. I feel so at home there, had to explain. Perhaps the little bit of Irish in my DNA calling me?

Heal well and quickly!