
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Bright Spots . . .

some of you commented on my
winter white tulip post
thank you 
sorry to say I just now deleted the
Winter Whites 
post because of two annoying comments
from no one I know and in a 
in a hacking kind of  style 
not sure what to do about continuing my blog 
revamping certainly needs to happen
just not sure of where to begin
I would appreciate suggestions 
thank you, to each of you, for your continued follow
and kind, loving comments
until next time
enjoy some tulips
love love


Karen Lakis said...

Oh no - I’m sorry about the annoying comments - I have had them occasionally, as well. I can usually delete the comments and mark as spam, but not really sure how that works... your tulips are beautiful! - a lovely touch of color to cheer a winter day!

Kim said...

Pretty pictures, Lynne! Spammy comments are the worst. You can delete the comment itself from your blogger dashboard without having to delete your entire post. I actually moderate comments and I only hit publish on the ones that are clearly not spam. Hope that helps!

Jeanie said...

I can help you out with the spam comments. I moderate -- comments don't get up for a bit but it doesn't seem to stop people from leaving them. In moderation you can go publish/delete/spam so you have choices. You can also go into your blog and I think (haven't done this in awhile) that there is a trash can that you can see by the post and you can click that and that post goes away. Email me and we can walk through it together if it isn't clear. And I adore the tulips!

Michelle said...

Sorry you received strange comments. I get those sometimes, but I moderate my comments and just get rid of them as they appear.

This N That said...

it’s back.Your comments are marked as secure.

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Yes, what the others said. That's why I have a note that I read all comments and don't publish them unless they're OK. Good luck with your planned blog update. I think your blog looks great, but I know what you mean. I'm thinking about some changes, too. Happy February!

Jean | said...

Lynne, you must go to your Blogger dashboard and enable Comment Moderation. Then you can check your comments before publishing them and delete any spam. If you see any spam comments on your existing posts before you started moderating, you can just delete those. Love your tulips! They started my day on a bright note.

Linda said...

hey Lynne...
Last post I had 100's of Spam...all from the same stupid author!!!
Luckily my blog picks that up, and puts them right into SPAM...
But....the emails came thru into my inbox!!! Had to delete them all from there!!!
Stiff upper lip my dear...a lot of good suggestions from your peeps...
Once you move one to SPAM...they will all get picked up...I also have no Anonymous comments allowed...go into your dashboard, and explore a bit there...
Best of luck!!!
Would hate to lose you!💙
Linda :o)

Susan said...

I’m late to the party Lynne, but I love your posts about your husband and family. Your zest for life is inspiring to me.

R's Rue said...

Happy valentines Day.