
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Wintery Random . . .

wintery days on riverwood this week
Random 5 Friday on a Saturday
Thought you’d like to know the news.  
Many may have followed Nancy Claeys before.  
I have entered my 5 randoms on her site and here as well.  
Her blog address is below.  
Random Friday
lynne’s randoms
1, 10 degrees this morning, and it was a cold walk.  I like 
getting my walk in early in the day, fires me up for the rest of the day.  

         2. We celebrated a friends 60th birthday last night. Everyone 
this 50-60 age group was discussing how OLD they were.  
It got quiet when I said, “I’m 80.”

3. I heard a bird tweet this morning, I think it was a robin.

4.”Mister Irish”asked me if I wanted to dance last night. I said, “yes.”
We danced two fast dances, at our “crazy 
fast dance” speed.

5. White chicken chili on the menu for tonight . . . Yum!
~ ~ ~
Random 5 Friday
thank you for following along with me
hopefully I have cleared up some of the spam issues
wishing each of you bunches of love
‘til next time


This N That said...

We have had very little snow so far this winter..Lots of rain to make up for i though..We were in the teens last night..Coldest temps yet..Will warm up to the 50's during the week then crash again next weekend..It's nuts!!.Our Robins have been here all winter, emptying my birdbath regularly..Enjoy your weekend..Hugs

Share my Garden said...

When you said you were eighty they should have all cheered! Glad you showed them how to live life with a bit of fast dancing.

Brenda said...

Probably in don't look or act 80 at all.

NanaDiana said...

Oh! Wouldn't that be great if that was a robin you heard tweeting? We missed some really cold weather and a lot of snow in the last two weeks-we have been down south! Whooo Hoooo. xo Diana

21 Wits said...

I do enjoy these kinds of images, and it looks much like my own front yard!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

A fun Random 5 - And what fun to dance! :-)

And I'm glad that Nancy is back too!

Karen said...

We've not had much snow here in Connecticut this Winter - even the maple sap isn't running. Your photos are beautiful! I used to follow Nancy, so glad she's back up, I'll go take a visit.

Jeanie said...

I love your randoms and your snow pix look just beautifully. And you danced! YAY! (I hope he didn't twirl you with your bad shoulder arm!)

Retired Knitter said...

I think Congrats are in order when someone says 80!! Not everyone gets there. Blessings to you.

Debbie said...

how exciting to be 80, it's the new 60 you know. so many are not as lucky, privileged to be in that group!! you have snow, we have only had 2 light, very light, dustings. i am jealous!!!

Art and Sand said...

I laughed about 60 being hard - I'm 71 and 60 was a breeze.

babs said...

Who's birthday? Wow, that's big...Jack asked you to the kitchen? Where were you. Love it,

MarmePurl said...

Such a fun lady you are!

Marge in Michigan said...

Enjoyed reading your 5-randoms, Lynne. I've had computer problems so haven't beem here for a few days. Looks like winter has finally reached west Michigan and our country scenery is lovely. We've had so many least 10-males and several females. Male cardinals are my favorite bird so I'm in my glory and so is my camera. LOL! Hugs!

Nancy said...

You really do have the now there, don't you! We have mud.
Thank you for the shout out. Glad to be here. :)

Nancy said...

Snow. Sorry.

Linda said...

Hi Lynne...
Great responses...Love your wintry shots...
Enjoy your week...
Linda :o) boyfriend hasn't asked me to dance for a long time...lucky you!!

laixinjie said...

I do enjoy these kinds of images, and it looks much like my own front yard!