
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Blog Train Hop On . . .

i seldom hop on this blog train anymore 
not that i don’t want to
or it isn’t that i don’t think about you

it has been my go to place 
to write reflect share
since may twenty ten

today i am missing this blog connection
missing my daily posting
which has reverted to every once in awhile 
missing you, each of you, who still stay on this train
as well as those who aren’t here 

remember texwis and fences
at least that is what I called her.
i am sure some of you did too
she was a faithful, daily blogger

she stopped blogging a few years back
and lo and behold theresa/texwis 
dropped back in
to one of my posts
left a comment
we had a moment to 
email and chat a bit

made my day
I’m telling you

one of “mister Irish’s” and my favorites things to do still
 is to go for a ride and look for fences 

so to honor texwis 
enjoy my fence post
with a couple 2020 fence like pics
(and one snickers peek)
(stay tuned, will post more soon, going picture taking later)
‘til when then next
*pictures top to bottom*
muskegon channel rock borders
cloud fence line over new condo project on hold
garden visit, peace, fence behind
labyrinth pagoda border fence
hydrangea plus background yard fence
our pooch


Retired Knitter said...

I, too, have been slow to post on my blog. Maybe twice a month or so. Need to get back to that.

This N That said...

I remember the fences. Seems like a long time ago . Is snickers looking through a fence? You found some good ones. Hugs

Kim said...

Oh the fences! I remember. So fun to see a post from you pop up, Lynne. Love that pup face, too. Hoping you're well and think about you often. xo

MarmePurl said...

Yes. Come back bloggers of old. I must include myself in that lot.

NanaDiana said...

Every once in a while, I connect with a 'old' blogger-not age-wise old--blogger old. lol Sadly, some of the blogs are no longer there because the blogger is ill or has passed away. That is so sad to discover that has happened. xo Diana

Nancy's Notes said...

Hi Lynn’ I’m back and happy to see you, my friend!! Oh I miss oleTex! I loved her blog! I hope she returns to blogging!
Have a wonderful week!

Linda said...

Hi Lynne...
Keep on bloggin'...😍
Linda :o)

Jeanie said...

I love it when a blogger who has "dropped out" comes back to visit! How nice. Love the pix!

Karen Lakis said...

I know exactly what you mean. It’s different now. I do remember Texwis. What fun that she dropped in! I hope she’s doing well.

Shannon Duke said...

They are working to improve their project management as needed.i loved this