
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Gonna Get Married . . .

it is happening this weekend
eight fifteenth twenty twenty
my granddaughter amanda is getting married

nine years with her guy
some things you know 
some things you don’t know
they know

the venue is in the country 
amongst fields of corn
wide vistas
and so them

here above are some pictures from 
Hilltop Memory Makers Venue 

personal wedding photos 
i promise
later after 

this is especially wonderful for me
they asked me to marry them
‘til soon


Nancy's Notes said...

Lynne, how very exciting!!! How sweet that you were the chosen one to marry them! That’s so beautiful!
Will be anxious to hear more!

Bonnie said...

Lynne, How wonderful! The venue is beautiful. I know this is a very busy week. Have fun! Hugs! Bonnie

Jeanie said...

You are the officiant? That is just the most wonderful thing EVER! Oh, yes, do share photos. This is indeed a big smile event!

Retired Knitter said...

Brought tears to my eyes! How touching.

MarmePurl said...

So looking forward to seeing and reading about such a happy event.

Linda said...

Hello Lynne...
I t will be one beautiful wedding!!!
Have a wonderful day...🌸⭐️🌸
linda :o)

This N That said...

Going to be beautiful. So nice that you are officiating.... I hope your day is perfect. Hugs

Marge in Michigan said...

What a wonderful day August 15th will be, Lynne! And what an honor & thrill that you were chosen to perform the ceremony. I'm so excited to see your pictures later. Hugs!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Weddings and births are such happy events. Hope the weather is perfect for this special day. Enjoy!

barb said...

You are a special granny indeed.