A friend of mine has been raising Monarch Butterflies.
She started a few months ago when she
was looking for something to do during Covid season.
First of all, let me tell you, Mary, “Monarch Raiser,”
had just retired from nursing from like thirty five plus years or more.
So just sitting still wasn’t in her plans.
Monarch research, harvest, taking care of, setting them free, sounded perfect.
Mary phoned me to tell me she had some chrysalis
nearing their time of “hatching“
and wondered if I would like to come watch.
I had taken Great Grand Oakland to see a few days earlier.
Oakland received an entire science lesson from
the eggs, milk weed, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly.
And then I returned a few days later for
an annual gathering with some friends.
The butterfly had come out of her chrysalis earlier in the day
and was eager to fly away.
Mary coaxed me to gently cup my hand and let her
climb onto my fingers.
Well not only did she do that, she didn’t want to leave.
The other gals there visiting had their phones handy and took pictures.
I moved from my chair, walked around the patio
and moved closer to the flower border.
Little Monarch stayed right on my finger tips.
I was talking to her like she was a person.
She was contented and comfortable
and then all of a sudden she lifted up and flew up, up and away.
It was pure magic . . . what a treat . . .
It’s those little things that put me over the moon.
Thank you for listening, watching, wish you could have been there.
I will be back soon.
Wow. What a wonderful time, what a special experience for you to share with Oakland. I've read a lot of posts lately about raising butterflies -- I guess I never realized one could actually do that. I love the photos, every single one!
Gosh, what a lovely experience.
My BIL did that last year..A lot of out residents have taken up the hobby...Fun..nice pictures....
Definitely magic! Very cool!
Beautiful and lovely for you to see. XXXX
Hi, Lynne. When my 3 sons were young we experienced that cycle from egg, to caterpillar, to chrysalis, to a beautiful Monarch. It was a great experience. I'm glad you had it too. Hugs!
Love you brand of Mali’s!
That is just so awesome! We used to watch a monarch emerge from its chrysalis each year for homeschool. It was always such a great adventure! And a lesson in God's wonderful creative power.
Ohh this is beautiful! Butterflies are such magical creatures!
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