
Monday, April 8, 2013

Only One Can Win . . .

Best game EVER!
I would say they both won!

 The Cardinals Have It . . .
It doesn't happen very often that
you want each team to win.
I went into this cheering for Louisville
and as it opened I was cheering for Michigan.
Congrat's to the Cardinals
You were outstanding!


Unknown said...

I grew up around basketball and there's nothing more exciting than watching a great matchup. I'll always love a great swoosh that just beats the buzzer. : )

Musings from Kim K. said...

It was indeed an amazing game. They both played good ball. I'm going to be dragging at work today. It was worth it.

MarmePurl said...

I had picked Miami to go all the way (I'm a Jim Larranega fan), so my bracket was history a bit ago.
It was a very memorable tournament this year. Congratulations to all.

TexWisGirl said...

glad you enjoyed it. didn't watch any. :)

This N That said...

It was a good game..They both deserved the win..

Jill said...

I'm not in to it at all but glad you are happy! :)

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Like Jill, not into it but glad you're happy.