on watch for that cat
who keeps stalking
baby bunnies
who keeps stalking
baby bunnies
she might be hiding in there
or here
it takes watching
more patience
and giving up the hunt
to try again another day
I was going through some photos
the other day and thought
you might enjoy seeing
Snickers when she was a
few weeks old
plus photos of her mom and dad.
Snickers dad.

Snickers, a few weeks old
She was one pound three ounces when we brought her home.
Snickers and her sisters.
Mr. Irish Garden House chose her from the liter.
Snickers will be eight years old in September.
We are thrilled she came to live with us.
to try again another day
I was going through some photos
the other day and thought
you might enjoy seeing
Snickers when she was a
few weeks old
plus photos of her mom and dad.
Snickers mom
These photos are photos I took of the photos
that were given to us when we purchased her.
Snickers is a Shorkie.
Her mom was a Shitzu.
Her dad was a Yorkie.
We purchased Snickers from a family in Muskegon.
I saw an ad in the paper
and went to take a look.
There were three pups in the liter.
three girls
Snickers dad.
She was one pound three ounces when we brought her home.
Snickers and her sisters.
Mr. Irish Garden House chose her from the liter.
Snickers will be eight years old in September.
We are thrilled she came to live with us.
She is totally adorable. I love her!
Snickers was a lovely addition to you life. I'm sure she has brought you much joy.
tiny baby turned brave yard protector. :)
Aw, Snickers is so cute and even had cute parents. :) She's a brave cat hunter.
Snickers comes from a beautiful family. I love them all. She is the brave protecting the bunnies, so cute! Have a happy day, Lynne!
Hi Lynne such adorable and cute photos. Loved to see her parentage and how she grow up. She is certainly on the case of the 'cat hunt'!
What a cutie - and a good protector of your yard :-)
What a precious puppy. You can tell she brings great joy to you both.
Snickers could have her own blog. ;)
Oh my goodness....it would have been hard not to bring all three home!!! Soooooo cute!
Snickers is a darling and a little over a pound when you got her. She was tiny indeed.
Snickers is so sweet and such a good guard dog. Way to go Snickers, keep those pesky kitties away.
Such a cutie...they're great company and give us lots to blog about :)
You already know I just love her!
Oh stop it... JUST STOP IT!! You are making me want a puppy so darned bad.
What a darling dos she is, gorgeous
OH, she was such a CUTE baby!
Snickers, you are adorable. Those cats no not what they do...nonetheless, stand your ground!
We had our Shiatsu, KC, for eighteen years. I swore I would never trust my heart to another dog. When Argyle, a lab mix, entered our lives all those barricades went down. He obviously needed us more than I needed to shelter my feelings. Once again I am captivated. You have shown a wonderful pictorial, Lynne.
So thrilled to find this post about Snickers, it was just what I was looking for. How cute her mom & dad were, no wonder she's adorable! Zoe just discovered the neighbors cat hiding under a car so we've had to go out and several times to inspect the situation...thank goodness the car finally left, and thus the kitty.
Loving this breed...xo J~
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