Golden Retriever
Snickers friend
Libby and her master
Random 5 Friday
1. Snickers barks every time Libby walks by the house until
she is able to go outside so they can smell each other.
she is able to go outside so they can smell each other.
2. Neighbor cat was found in the back yard today stalking a baby rabbit.
3. I was freaking out . . . chasing the cat to save the bunny.
4. Snickers was crazy wild and wanted that cat.
5. Taking a picture on a cell phone through a porch screen makes for a blurry photo.
One more:
What would you do if a cat was going for a baby bunny?
(BTW, I think the bunny is okay.)
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This is a very friendly community!
I have saved bunnies from dogs and cats and lost a few. They are very easy to damage.
My job in life is saving birds and our outside wild cat from other outside wild cats so I hiss a lot, I run about flaying my arms, spraying with hoses-but I imagine saving a baby bunny/grown rabbit might need a more delicate approach..naughty well fed cats.
Libby is a cutie, she looks like my neighbors golden named Amber! I am glad you and Snickers were protecting the little bunny. I do not like outside cats. Have a happy weekend!
I would try....I haven't always been successful. :(
i'd have done the same thing. a domestic cat has plenty of other food sources. however, my barn cat (before he died) used to hunt the fields and would get bunnies sometimes. it is their nature.
Libby is a beautiful golden. I would do as you did to save the bunny. I don't like to see animals after other animals. I hope this one got away from the cat! Have a great weekend Lynne!
Mollie misses all her friends from the old neighborhood..She's starting to seek out people now..Have a great weekend..What happened to the picnic??
I would have gone crazy trying to rescue the bunny in the yard too. You and Snickers were very brave souls.
I used to freak out every time one of the cats would catch a baby bunny, but as time has rolled on, I find I'm more tolerant (or maybe I know I'm just too slow these days.)
Great facts Lynne -- Libby is such a pretty girl.
I'm glad the bunny is all right! I love cats, and my husband and i have four, but i too would make every attempt to chase the cat away! We keep our kitties indoors, but i know that's not practical for some.
Have a great weekend!
I adore your dog Libby. beautiful.
I am dog minding. Wow they sure bark at every move
Even if neighbor goes to the car or goes out driveway.
There are bunnies out in the field behind us. Every time our dogs go out, they act like there is a fire and they dash out....I know there must be a bunny in our yard that makes it under the fence. Once, our smallest dog caught a was screaming. I was so upset. By the time I got there, it was dead. I'm sorry to say, I whipped my dog for it....maybe that's why he has never actually caught another. I just couldn't stand him killing something so innocent. I knew he didn't know better, but gee....looks like Mother Nature would instill some kind of kindness towards babies of any type in animals. Flaw of Mother Nature in my mind.
I'd save the bunny.. (:
Libby is glad you saved that bunny. Hope your Summer is going well. xo
I would risk my life to save the little bunny. Of course!@Your Golden Libby is a beauty!
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