oh ya, I had to step out of the box just a bit
daughter suzie wanted new cushions for her garden table chairs
i looked high and low for round chair cushion replacements
not many to be found
so daughter suzie asked me if I could recover
the cushions for her
sure, I could do that
no problem
suzie picked out the fabric
and I began the project
now let me tell you
i can sew
but it has been a long while
first i had to figure out
"the how"
i received expert advice from
"the three jays"
my friend jackie, johanna of joann's and hubby, jack
i set up my sewing area on the kitchen island
tape measure, scissors, material, cushions
and of course, the sewing machine
quite the project to figure out for this amateur
i thought i would just cut two circles
stitch them together and stuff the cushions in
friend jackie set me straight
two circles, the top one larger
the bottom smaller
and then attach the two
to make a smooth
covering around the edges
bet each of you are very interested
in this non professional tutorial
after much discussion
and hubby coming to my aid
to verify my process
i started to cut
and oh yes
another trip to joann's
to consult with "johanna"
to purchase heavier needle and thread
what do you think
made my first cushion
pretty darn cool huh?
and then there were two
tried one out on my garden table chair
drove up to suzie's house
to surprise her
no one home
clicked this photo of one of her planters
put the cushions in place

suzie took some photos when she arrived home
sorry for the blur
but you'll get the idea
and six colorful hibiscus
back here on riverwood
all in one day
for the end of the story
thank you for stopping by
appreciate your comments
love your visits my friends
you're a better woman than i! i'd not even have attempted it!
I agree with TexWisGirl!
They turned out great!
What a great way to recover a circle - I can usually figure it out by trial and error, but don't know if I would have thought of that method. Love the fabric too :-)
I never would have thought about 2 sizes of circles..You can tell that I sew often..Looks great ..Love the colors..
Very beautiful and very impressive!
The cushions are fabulous. I have so many sewing projects on my to do list. Maybe after the next book:)
Very nice work and so pretty.
Nice work. I am not at all surprised at the outcome. Lynne the lady of talent and determination.
Now if we could just sit there and enjoy a glass of wine, the day might be perfect.
Love that fabric! Brilliant job. My crafty talents don't include sewing. Well done.
You are awesome, as always, Lynne. Thanks for showing us, the small craft challenged group, the how to. TexWisGirl said it all.
You are good girl! Pretty fabric and they look beautiful. I am not crafty at all! But, thanks for the lesson! Have a great evening, Lynne!
Bravo. Well done. I will cover a foot stool but round is hard. I almost never shop antique stores but realized that was now wrong since I have a booth in one. You would be welcome anytime.
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