
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Flower Dancing . . .

remember these fresh colorful tulips
from a few days ago

they are almost to their end
i emptied the water
cut the ends off the stems
mixed in a few others
and made a few more bouquets

one more

 and another

and then

some of them became this

These are the same tulips as in the first photos.. 
I took the petals and carefully inverted them.
Creates a brand new look and a crazy fun idea I saw on the blog of 
As I said initially these tulips were at their end. 
 I plan to try a fresh tulip next and
I think the leaves will curl more and
 leave a more backward curled look. 
Interesting to take the 
traditional tulip
and give it a new look.

be well my friends


Anonymous said...

I love tulips throughout their entire life... beginning to end they are a beautiful thing to behold...

TexWisGirl said...

very pretty!

Heather said...

Very nice indeed! Not something I would have thought of... tulips are one of my favourite flowers, but they don't seem to last very long! Cheers~

My name is Riet said...

Now that looks beautiful. Great job to give them a longer life

Musings from Kim K. said...

Such pretty blooms. I can't wait to see tulips in our yard again.

PS. I understand that we have questionable weather coming to your area Thursday night into Friday with freezing rain and snow. Yuck!

MarmePurl said...

Clever. And so pretty

babs said...


Barbara Lilian in France said...

Thank you Lynne. for using my tip from my blog post.'I'm still thinking of Spring'. It's lovely to see how other bloggers take a tip and use it in their own style. Your tulips look lovely and will continue to give you pleasure for a while longer.

Pamela Gordon said...

That is a really neat idea Lynne. They are still quite beautiful. Enjoy the day!

Lynn said...

W o w !! S t u n n i n g, Lynne.

This N That said...

It's a shame they have to die..Max won't let me have any flowers in the house...I guess that could be a good thing...

Unknown said...

They have always been my favourite, but what a completely different look when they're flipped out!