
Monday, November 17, 2014

Really Sweet and Adorable . . .



Oakland Victoria
with my daughter
Granny Suzie
this little one
brings me
thoughts of grateful
and makes life really sweet
see the little tear
she wanted only her granny
great granny was put into caboose status
'til tomorrow or the next,
Love, Lynne


Kerin said...


barb said...

She is super cute.

TexWisGirl said...

a tiny person! adorable. :)

This N That said...

So sweet, so precious. She's like a warm fuzzy. Enjoy!

Gail said...

Beautiful, sweet, adorable and many more words.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

She is GORGEOUS Lynne ….. they bring so much joy, don't they ? XXXX

Sarah Huizenga said...

So sweet.

Musings from Kim K. said...

Absolutely precious.

Pamela Gordon said...

She is so adorable, Lynne. I still can't believe you're a great grandmother! What a blessing.

Nancy said...

She is just adorable…Such beautiful eyes...

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Sweet! I thought her grandma was her mamma. The women in your family (including you) look so young and beautiful. :)

bj said...

O, yes...I've noticed that, too...Great-grannies just aren't the same as their gran'ma....

She is so so adorable...I could just kiss her skin off. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

She is sooooo beautiful

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Look at that adorable little face!!

Cranberry Morning said...

She is just darling, Lynne!! What a cutie!

amanda said...

She is darling. :)
And Granny Suzie sure does look like you! Generations of lovely gals.