
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

WOOF . . .

WOOF . . . 
Plainwell Ice Cream 
Plainwell, Michigan
truly yum wonderful
the BEST ice cream ever
Stop in there some day . . . and treat yourself!
(And make sure you get a long walk in before/after!)
I took a picture yesterday from the wall 
at their ice cream store.
Summer, August, Ice Cream
“it’s the little things!”
back soon


This N That said...

Summer, August, Ice cream !!! I'l take the ice cream ;)

Michelle said...

Nothing like some good ice cream!

Karen Lakis said...

LOL!! I'll have some woof please! August and ice cream - yes! Truthfully, I'll eat ice cream anytime.

Marge in Michigan said...

Hi, Lynne. That ice cream sounds yummy!

HWIT BLOGG said...

I just LOVE ice cream :)
Have a great day!

Jeanie said...

I haven't had enough ice cream this summer -- not that I need another lick! This looks wonderful!