
Friday, March 5, 2021

Here Comes The Sun . . .

Western Michigan 
has been experiencing the best
of the best 
in days of sun shine of late.

Temperatures still chilly in the twenties, thirties 
but the bright sun makes all the difference.  
Our massive snow depths are melting away.  

Greens Like No Other
Brighten My Memories
Once Again

warming my heart

chapel doorway

an Irish lad in the green

the garden house we slept in
on our first trip to Ireland 
inspiration for Mister Irish 
to build me this here at home

I am bringing out the green
and painting shamrock cards 
and making clay shamrocks
It was happening last night.  
I love it when creativity grabs at my heart.

On these early springtime days
let your heart be lightened.

Keep Green In Your Heart 
Treat yourself to some fresh tulips too.


This N That said...

Nice post Lynne..Love your green..We have had the sun but 40-50 mph winds..In the 20's outside..Next week we will have no freezing temps even at night..I can't get my heat over 67 without running the auxiliary heat..I just got out my little space heater..These places are like barns..
Love your Irish!! Hugs

Jeanie said...

You built this little stone house? I am amazed! I don't think I ever knew it. Loved all the green -- it's beautiful. I need to start on cards too. Isn't it a relief to see the melting and know spring isn't too far off?

Kim said...

I'm waiting for the green, too, Lynne, but for now I'm settling for the sunshine, too!

Marge in Michigan said...

Spring is in the air, Lynne! I love all your pictures and especially love your Irish garden house! Awesome! How is Mr. Irish? I hope he's doing well and healing more each day. Hugs!

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Happy almost St. Patrick's Day! Things are greening up over here on the other side of the big lake, too. Warm, warm this week. It will be fun to see what's poking up through the soil.

MarmePurl said...


barb said...

I think I need a little stone cottage too? Love yours.

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Beautiful memories.

Lovely happenings now...
