
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Twenty Five Years . . .

Good Morning, back for some “quick pics!”  First picture is from twenty five years ago and “Mister Irish” and Lynne were dressed in our best for a Mercy Hospital gathering.  The other pictures are from a few nights ago when “Mister Irish’ and I attended a Gathering Fun Raiser Gala for our Boys & Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore.  Thousands of dollars were brought forward.  My “MI,” Jack Kennedy has been instrumental in bringing the BGCOML to the forefront.  Celebrate we did!  Life is bringing GRAND days to many of our young people.  How proud and happy we are for them all.  Two posts in one day, months apart!  (Forgive the photo mix ups!)  WOW! Oh my . . . time marches on!



Retired Knitter said...

Wow, you guys “clean up” gooood!

Lynne said...

Oh my, nice of you . . .
I am not much of a “shindig” person but I
did clean up for this event.
Purchased the dress at a church sale a few days ago.
You’ll never believe the price, two dollars!

Beth at PlantPostings said...

Beautiful photos, and the events look so fun! You look great in all the photos!

Jeanie said...

Welcome back, my friend! It's so nice to see you posting again. And the photos are great -- you look fab!

Michelle said...

Good to see you again and you look great!

Bonnie said...

Lynn, I was looking back at some of my past post and saw your name. I had to see if you were still writing. It is so good to see you are. I am slowly trying to return. It is more difficult than I thought. Love the pictures. You look fabulous. Bonnie

Jackpot City said...

I appreciate the authenticity and honesty in your writing.

This N That said...

Your blog is still active. You should come back to it.

Jules said...

Thanks for shharing

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