
Sunday, May 27, 2018

This and That . . .

This past year they redid the roads in Riverwood . . .
In the process they enfringed into our properties to create greater water runoff, blah, blal, blah . . .
One of my/our gardens was affected . . . (too close to the road) . . .
Bit by Bit I have been repairing, cleaning, weeding . . . get the point . . .
I transferred some Hosta from another area, rearranged some of the Day Lily’s . . .
Added a Hibiscus for color . . . and two Peony bushes . . . my first . . .
I do the planning, creating, Mister Irish does the digging . . .
He does have a good eye so I listen to suggestions . . . sometimes!
Myrtle ground cover is in this area . . .
It was destroyed during the construction as well as three large Burning Bush . . .
We may add a new Burning Bush to this mix . . .
This first pic is of what I had to deal with . . .
Weeds of all sorts, crab grass in bunches . . . it was a mess.

I tackled that part which took me a few days . . .

(projects always take longer than what we think . . .) (AGREE ??)
And this is where we are so far . . .

I have a large patch of Myrtle “out back” so I (we) will transfer some of it to this area.
I like my plantings all mixed up, entertwined, cuddled, friendly . . .
so this redone area has a ways to go before it has a comfy look like this below . . .

Next post will show you how much I love GREEN . . .
soon . . .


A Joyful Cottage said...

Your property is so beautiful, Lynne. Everything you do just enhances an already spectacular place. Hope you're having a peaceful holiday weekend. Hugs, Nancy

Linda said...

Looks perfect to me!
Linda :o)

Jeanie said...

Well, it looks fabulous but I'm so sorry you had to go through all that in the first place. Reminds me of the tree situation only worse, in a lot of ways, I think. And hard work to repair. Especially when it's as hot as it is. Not complaining, just observing!

This N That said...

Your "greenery" always looks so beautiful..Nice assortment of plantings..Mollie loves crab grass..she could have helped you with that..the roots would still be there though..Takes longer because we're older??? I almost can't do that stuff anymore..Have to do it very slowly..take my time....I hate that!! .Nice to have a digger..Hope you had a good weekend..