in a recent post
i mentioned several nicknames
i have had
suzy pickle falinda pee hen miss pheasant
lynner slick flash father putz
some of you asked
the where and why of the names
susy pickle and falinda
were names given me by my dad
my maiden name being peacock
led me to be subject to
pee hen
I remember it being carved into
one of my wooden school desks
back when i was in fifth grade
there were those who had
great fun saying this name
in my early practice teaching days
i was
miss peacock
and often
miss pheasant
was substituted
college days i became
to some of my college friends
attending college where my parents and brother attended
and being a daughter of an outstanding athlete
with the last name peacock
and the nickname
i too
slick peacock
and marrying a
the summer after i graduated college
i was sometimes called
flash gordon
during my hospital working days in the eighties
i was a protestant lay chaplain
in a catholic hospital system
(this was a first for the mercy sisters)
i eventually became the
director of the pastoral care services
became my name by the
doctors, nurses, employees
quite by accident
a thank you had been sent to the city newspaper
from a family thanking
Father Larry and Lynne Gordon
for the care given to their family
during their family emergency at the hospital
problem was
Father Larry
the priest, then director
became Larry
Lynne Gordon
Father Lynne
(photo with chaplains from my director days)
i have been known for years to
fiddle with this or that
create, alter, ponder over
putz for hours on
flowers, landscape, household, decorating,
food, dinners, entertaining
and have become known now as
thanks to this guy

I just loved hearing your nick names and the stories behind them! YOu were and still are beautiful!
Dee Dee
Now that was a really interesting way to journey through time! Here I must echo dee dee, you are beautiful.
Thanks for sharing the stories behind the names. I agree with the others you are beautiful. I love that last shot, very sweet! Happy weekend to you!
Good Morning Lynne, What a wonderful mix of names you have had and with so many wonderful meanings behind the nick names.
My name is Daphne, so as a child, friends used to call me "Daffy" as in the cartoon "Daffy Duck"
or "Dixie" from Dixie and Pixie as my maiden name is Dix.
I loved the photographs you showed with all your different nicknames.
Lynne, I have really enjoyed my visit, so I have become a new follower.
I would like to invite you to visit me at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! as you will be most welcome.
Best Wishes to you,
I've never had a nickname in my life. Maybe I'm just not the nickname type! Lol.
Lovely photos of your nickname history. xo
Great story and great photos Lynne.
Smiling big down here in VA after reading this lovely post. Really Big.
I love all your pictures and beautiful history behind each name. Thank you for sharing.
LOVE the picture of you, Jack and Snickers.....perfect.
You look gorgeous!
Wonderful post! You do nice work.
Oh, Lynne, I'm so glad you shared this. It was so nice to learn more about you. I loved that photo of you with your dad. So sweet. And what a handsome guy he was. Looking at photos of you through the years I see you've always been a beauty. The last photo with your hubby is a keeper. You two look great!
i loved this! loved each nickname and how they came about. loved all the photos showing you through the phases of your life thus far! loved!
This was so much fun, Lynne! I loved all the background and the photos were wonderful!
Lynne, I love them all. Loved seeing all the pictures attached to each nickname.
What a fun post. I love all your nicknames and the stories behind them. Youy were a beautiful bride and still are. Have a nice weekend
Lynne this is a wonder post. My family never gave nick names but once a man I dated always called me Spring. I finally ask him why he called me that. He said no matter what happens to you, you always spring back. I was thinking along the lines of Springtime and was hoping it wasn't bed springs. lol
That was so interesting Lynne! Thanks for sharing all the nicknames you've had and how you got them. The photos are fantastic! Hugs. Pam
Love the family pic of you three...
Your still as cute as a button Lynne.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed all your pictures back of memory lane.
Your wedding headpiece looked similar as mine in my blog page .
Loved your dress.
My daughter is a Pastora now. You mentioned that as yourself.
Dear Lynne, I think this is my favorite ever post. Seeing you with your Dad, as a young woman, through your career, as a beautiful bride... to today. All those nicknames and stories...Reminds me of a song...
My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever changing view
A wonderous woven magic in bits of blue and gold...
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold...
So sweet to see you then, blessed to know you now!
Love, Princess Pat (that's what my daddy called me)
I think Peacock is an awesome last name!
Wonderful nickname 'Father Lynne'! Such lovely pictures...
xo J~
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